

单词 hutus
释义 hutus ˈhuːˌtuːz COCA⁵⁴²⁷⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
n.胡图人中非一民族;Hutu的复数原型hutu A civil war between Hutus and Tutsis tore the nation apart between1993 and2006.
1993年到2006年间,胡图人和图西人之间的内战让这个国家分崩离析。 yeeyan

But newspapers favouring Mr Kagame now describe his critics as“ cockroaches” and“ traitors”, the same insults that Hutu extremists used to egg on【4】 the massacre of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in 1994.
支持卡加梅的报刊将那些批判者们称为“蟑螂”和“叛徒”,这种侮辱当初也被胡图族的极端主义者加注【4】在1994年对图西族和温和派胡图族的大屠杀之上。 ecocn

But newspapers favouring Mr Kagame now describe his critics as“ cockroaches” and“ traitors”, the same insults that Hutu extremists used to egg on the massacre of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in 1994.
现在,支持卡加梅的报纸将批评家形容为“蟑螂”或“汉奸”,1994年,胡图极端分子用同样的辱骂来激励屠杀图西人和和温和派的胡图人。 yeeyan

It began in April of nineteen ninety-four after a plane carrying the presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, both Hutus, was shot down.
大屠杀开始于1994年四月一架载有来自胡图族的卢旺达总统和布隆迪总统的飞机被击落之后。 unsv

That they are returning at all is a victory for the long-term strategy of President Paul Kagame's government to bring back the country's previously hostile Hutus from the near abroad.
他们毕竟正在回归,这是总统 Paul Kagame的政府致力于将这个国家以前敌对的胡图人从附近国境外带回来这一长期政策的一个胜利。 ecocn

The country has recovered valiantly from its year zero in 1994, when 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were slaughtered.
1994年,有80万图西族人和中立的胡图族人在大屠杀中遇害,经济降到最低点,1994年之后才开始复苏。 ecocn

The man, Bernard Munyagishari, is accused of being a mastermind in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda.
伯纳德•芒亚吉夏瑞 Bernard Munyagishari被指控在卢旺达阴谋杀害了数万名图西人和胡图人。 hxen

The same was true in Burundi in the 1990s, where Hutu governments massacred Tutsis, after which the Tutsis turned around and did the same to Hutus.
1990年代的布隆迪也是如此,当时的胡图族政府屠杀了图西人,图西人控制政府以后又对胡图族进行了屠杀。 yeeyan

Anyone challenging his“ one Rwanda” policy, where Tutsis and Hutus no longer exist, can be jailed for “ divisionism”.
任何挑战他的“一个卢旺达”政策—图西人和胡图人之间的区分不再存在—都可能因为“分裂主义”而锒铛入狱。 ecocn

But the root of the problem goes back to the genocide of800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda in 1994.
但问题的根源是1994年在卢旺达爆发的种族大屠杀,近80万的图西人与温和派的胡突人惨遭杀戮。 ecocn

But the murder of a Hutu president made it easier to convince ordinary Hutus to take part in the killing.
然而对胡图族总统的谋杀则很容易让普通胡图人参与到杀戮之中。 ecocn

He had ordered Hutu militants to kill Tutsis during the genocide of1994, when some 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus died.
他曾在1994年的大屠杀中命令胡图激进分子杀害图西人,导致80万图西人及中立的胡图人死亡。 ecocn

Her neighbours were slaughtered by Hutus.
她的邻居们被胡图族人 Hutus屠杀。 ecocn

In return, Congo would let several thousand Rwandan troops cross the border and smash up the Hutus’ FDLR.
作为交换,刚果应允许几千卢旺达军队越境打击胡图族的“解放卢旺达民主力量”武装。 ecocn

In Rwanda, when the MAJORITY Hutus attacked and massacre the minority Tutsis, the World Press reported it as a racial-based tragedy.
在卢旺达,多数民族 Hutus屠杀少数民族 Tutsis,国际新闻报道,这是基于种族主义的悲剧。 tianya

Mr Kagame’s rebel army swept through Rwanda from Uganda in 1994 to halt the genocide in which Hutu death squads slaughtered around800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
1994年,卡加梅总统的叛军从乌干达席卷卢旺达以阻止大屠杀的进行;在这场屠杀中,胡图敢死队屠杀了大约总共八十万人的图西族人与中立派的胡图族人。 ecocn

Outsiders have also failed to turn Congo's lousy army—a hodgepodge of Mr Kabila's loyalists, former rebels and militias— into a disciplined fighting force capable of nailing the Hutus' FDLR.
局外人同样无法改变臭名昭著的刚果军混杂着卡比拉总统的忠义将士、前叛军与各类民兵,让他们成为纪律严格的战斗军,能够彻底打击胡突叛军的民主前线。 topsage

Rwanda’s army made“ no effort” to distinguish between civilians and combatants, instead killing“ probably several tens of thousands” in the “ relentless” pursuit of Hutus, according to the report.
根据报告的说法,卢旺达的军队没有做出“任何努力”去区分平民百姓与战斗分子,反而在对胡图族人的“无情”追捕屠杀过程中,杀害了“也许成千上万的平民百姓。 ecocn

That attack sparked the genocide of ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus by Hutu extremists.
那次袭击直接引发了其后胡图族的极端分子种族灭绝图西族人和胡图温和派的灾难事件。 ecocn

Though several important ministries are run by Hutus, the government still includes a privileged core of English- speaking Tutsis, most of whom, like Mr Kagame, grew up in exile.
尽管几个重要的国家部门由胡图族掌握,但政府仍包括一个拥有特权并由说英语的图西人组成的核心团体,他们大多数人都和卡加梅总统一样,是在流放中成长起来的。 ecocn




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