

单词 hunker
释义 hun·ker 英ˈhʌŋkə美ˈhʌŋkɚAHDhŭngʹkər

sit on one's heels;

In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting

The children hunkered down to protect themselves from the sandstorm

来自苏格兰语,词源不详,或同huckster.hunker down盘坐upon one's hunkers蹲着on one's hunkers蹲着; 以蹲坐姿势…
近义词 kneel跪squat蹲下cower畏缩crawl爬行stoop佝偻scrunch碾crouch蹲下scrunch up揉皱hunker down盘坐
同义词 bend,bow,cower,dip,duck,grovel,huddle,hunch,kneel,quail,squat,stoop,wincebend down,hunker down,quat,scrooch down
反义词 face,meet,straighten
hunker downverb squat down
crouch,get down,hunch,hunch down,scrunch,squat
satverb rest on one's behind
assembled,came together,convened,deliberated,held an assembly,met,officiated,opened,presided,was in session
sitverb rest on one's behind
be seated,bear on,cover,ensconce,give feet a rest,grab a chair,have a place,have a seat,hunker,install,lie,park,perch,plop down,pose,posture,put it there,relax,remain,rest,seat,seat oneself,settle,squat,take a load off,take a place,take a seat And the thing is, we don't have to hunker down in the dark and forsake our worldly pleasures to be sustainable.
事情是,我们不必躲在黑暗中,就为了能够“持续发展”的口头快感。 yeeyan

Rather, they argue, the response will merely be for the hermit kingdom to “ hunker down and tighten repression”.
他们甚至认为,神秘王国朝鲜的反应不过是“顽固坚持、加强镇压”。 ecocn

The consumers will hunker down further and pull back spending, sending the economy into a tailspin.

“ That was me, the lonely hunker-down type, ” he tells us, in an opening voice-over, glossing a shot of himself as a clerk in a video store.
“那就是我,一个孤独的,隐忍的人。”在开场的话外音,他告诉我们,他是一家音像的员工。 yeeyan

A test of your resilience, your patience, your ability to hunker down and sit tight till something wonderful turns up. And it does.
斯基纳是对你的一种考验,考验你的韧性和耐心,考验你沉得住气的本领,直到美丽的风景出现。 yeeyan

All the economy's problems are forcing people and businesses to hunker down, crimping spending and hiring, a vicious cycle.
所有这些经济问题都将导致个人和企业紧缩开支,企业减少雇佣人数,这是一个恶性循环的开始。 dxy

At home, the plan is defensive: to hunker down and prepare for the economic, political and perhaps military challenges that lie in store.
其国内政策则以防御为主:未雨绸缪,着手控制可能的经济、政治甚至军事动乱。 ecocn

But a decade later, we’ve shown that America doesn’t hunker down and hide behind walls of mistrust.
但是十年后,我们已经显示美国没有蹲下躲在不信任的墙后面。 yeeyan

But Israel cannot emigrate, and it will have no choice but to hunker down and fortify its formerly peaceful border with Egypt.
可惜以色列无法迁居,只能严守其和埃及之前签订的和平边界。 yeeyan

But when it comes to things we think really matter, like creating a career or raising children, we hunker down, tighten up, and absolutely refuse to fail.
但是当有关真正重要的事情上,例如:建立职业或养育儿女,我们就蹲下,就严阵以待,绝对不准失败。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Employees find new jobs, or they hunker down and get ready to change.
或者员工找到新工作,或准备好变革。 yeeyan

He felt his backache and didn't hunker down.

In winter, perhaps you’ll be looking for a fellow movie buff to hunker down with, bucket of popcorn in hand.
冬季,举例说,你可以去找一影迷朋友,手里拿一小桶爆米花,一起窝哪看电影。 yeeyan

In building the ranch in Eldorado, FLDS leaders planned to hunker down and escape notice.
在庄园中,该组织的领袖们计划低调出走。 ecocn

Instead the bird struck his temple and slid hot and greasy down his face, and he had to hunker down and stretch for it with fetters clanking.
于是相反,那只鸟击中了他的太阳穴流下了滚烫的肥油,他不得不坐下来拖着叮叮当当的脚镣伸手去够它。 cndkc

It's when many, especially those who adhere to traditional nomadic rhythms of life, hunker down until spring.
这个时候,很多人要转场定居直到春天,那些还循着传统游牧生活节奏的人们尤其如此。 yeeyan

Perhaps those of us who merely want to hunker down and be transported should look past both sides to concern ourselves with function instead of form.
或许,我们中那些只想坐享其成的人应当忽略这两方面的观点,关注功能而不是形式。 yeeyan

Private demand is plunging as consumers are battered by tight credit, falling wealth and rising unemployment, while fearful firms hunker down.
消费者因信贷紧缩、财富蒸发和失业率上升而备受打击,私人需求更是由于这个原因而跳水;而胆怯的公司更是卧倒以求自保。 iciba

Roosevelt understood that when citizens lose hope and meaning, they hunker down, grow fearful of one another, and progress stagnates.
罗斯福明白民众一旦失去希望和生活的意义就会畏缩不前,惧怕别人,发展也就会因而停滞。 yeeyan

The World Cup hosts hunker down for a wave of xenophobic violence.
世界杯东道主-南非隐瞒仇外暴乱风波。 yeeyan

What they are hoping to do is find a way to turn these pathways on without forcing the rest of the body to hunker down in survival mode.
他们现在想做的就是找到一种办法,在不强制身体其它部分削弱生存模式的情况下,打开这些通道。 yeeyan

When panic sets it, just drain the grease tanks of a few abandoned fast food joints, hunker down and make your fuel.
当恐慌来临,只要用光几桶用不要的速食做成的燃料,坐下然后自己制作燃料就可以了。 yeeyan

Your instinct is to hunker down and figure out which is the “ right” answer.
你的直觉是蹲下来,捉摸一下哪个是‘对’的答案。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn




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