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词汇 angering
释义 an·ger·ing 英'æŋɡəʳ美'æŋɡər COCA⁴⁶¹⁷⁰BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

strong feeling of displeasure and hostility

vt. & vi. 使发怒; 激怒

cause to fill sb with anger; make angry

a strong emotion; a feeling that is oriented toward some real or supposed grievancethe state of being angrybelligerence aroused by a real or supposed wrong personified as one of the deadly sins
make angry;

The news angered him

become angry;

He angers easily

anger, fury, indignation, rage


1.从“愤怒”的程度上说, anger表示的是各种程度的“怒”,可能表现出来,也可能有所控制; rage已超过中等强度,属强烈发作,且已不能自控,即“大怒”; fury之怒更为强烈,已近疯狂,即“狂怒”“暴怒”。例如:

Though he felt his anger mounting, he kept perfect control of himself.虽然他越来越生气,但他还是很好地控制住自己。
In his rage, he tore the letter to pieces.他大发雷霆,把信撕得粉碎。
In his fury, he banged his fist on the table.盛怒之下,他用拳头敲桌子。

2.从引起“愤怒”的原因上说:anger, rage, fury这三个词既可以是当怒的,也可以是不当怒的; 可以是与自己有关的,也可以是与自己无关的。而indignation则着重指出由于正义感而对卑鄙行径、不光彩行为或不正之风等所表示出来的“义愤”,且可与自己无直接关系。例如:

They expressed great indignation at the ruthless exploitation of the colonialists.他们对殖民主义者的残酷剥削表示了极大的义愤。下面几个句子的意思是一样的:

He cannot control his anger.

He cannot check his anger.

He can hardly contain his anger.

He was carried away by his anger.他抑制不住自己的怒火。
anger, enrage, incense, madden


1.从“使愤怒”的程度上说:anger表示的是各种程度的“怒”; enrage和incense则到了发火的程度,即“大怒”; madden语气最强,即“狂怒”。

2.从“使愤怒”的原因上说:anger最普通,可以是当怒的,也可以是不当怒的; incense指被过分的事物所激怒; enrage指被逗弄等所激怒; madden则主要指受到侮辱而发怒。

3.从表现上说:anger的怒可外露,也可隐藏于心中; 其余几个词则多有明显的外部表现。例如:

Her words angered him very much.她的话使他生气极了。
He was incensed by her casual attitude to his mother's death.见到她对他母亲的去世那么漫不经心,他气坏了。
The child's teasing enraged the animal.那孩子把那头动物逗得大怒。
He maddened at the thought of how he had been betrayed.他一想起自己被出卖的情形就勃然大怒。anger,indignation,fury,rage,wrath







用作名词 n.
动词+~appease sb's anger使某人息怒arouse sb's anger使某人发火calm sb's anger使某人息怒cause sb's anger使某人发火contain one's anger抑制怒火control one's anger抑制怒火express anger表示愤怒feel anger感到愤怒hold back anger抑制恼怒refrain anger抑制恼怒repress one's anger抑制怒火show anger显出怒容swallow one's anger抑制怒火vent anger发泄怒火形容词+~blind anger盲目的愤怒burning anger强烈的愤怒deep anger大怒great anger大怒hot anger盛怒profound anger大怒silent anger暗自生气suppressed anger被压抑的怒火unbridled anger狂怒介词+~in anger气冲冲地,愤怒地part in anger愤怒地分手a fit of anger一阵愤怒to anger发怒through the anger因愤怒with anger愤怒地burn with anger怒火中烧shake with violent anger气愤得发抖~+介词anger at因…而引发的怒火anger at the insult因受到侮辱而发怒anger of the moment一时愤怒anger with向…发的脾气用作动词 v.~+副词anger easily易发怒~+介词be angered at因〔由于〕…而发怒be angered by因〔由于〕…而发怒
用作名词n.more in sorrow than in anger

更多的是悲伤〔悔恨〕而不是愤恨 sadly rather than angrily

近义词 furystormwrathmaddennettleincenseinflameinfuriateindignationragev. enragen. displeasure反义词 quietn.calmv. calm
用作名词n.His anger is an affair of no consequence.他的愤怒无关紧要。
Her anger is not genuine; she is only acting.她不是真的恼怒,她只不过是在做戏。
His anger blazed forth.他勃然大怒。
His sudden anger died.他突然的愤怒平息下来了。
Her mother's anger died away.她母亲的怒气逐渐平息了。
His anger has died down a bit.他的怒气消了一点。
It was not long time before his anger melted.不久他的怒气就消了。
At these insolent words her anger rose.听了这些傲慢无礼的话,她冒火了。
He gave his fierce anger.他勃然大怒。
Don't draw his anger down.别惹他生气。
He soon forgot his anger and came round.他很快就消了气,又心平气和了。
She just said it to vent her anger.她说这话只是出出气。
She dared the anger of his family.在他愤怒的一家人面前,她毫无畏缩。
I can't describe my anger in words.我无法用语言表达我的愤怒。
She wanted to cry her grief and anger all away.她要把悲愤在痛哭中宣泄出来。
The Black people were grateful to have found a way to express their anger and bitterness.黑人找到了表示愤怒和痛苦的方法很高兴。
I never saw him show jealousy, vanity, bitterness, anger, resentment, or personal ambition.He seemed immune to these emotions.我从未见他表现出嫉妒、虚荣、痛苦、愤怒、怨恨或个人野心。他好像对这些感情具有免疫能力似的。
He doubled up his fists in anger.他愤怒地握紧拳头。
She hit the child in anger.她生气地打了那孩子。
They quarrelled in hot anger.他们怒气冲冲地争吵。
Don't joke with a man in anger.别和动怒的人开玩笑。
He gritted his teeth in anger at the insult.他因受辱生气而咬牙切齿。
We sometimes do things in anger that we are sorry for afterwards.我们发怒时,常作出过后又十分后悔的事来。
She was shouting in anger.她怒气冲冲地喊着。
In anger he broke a beautiful vase.由于生气,他摔破了一只好看的花瓶。
He was fearful of her anger.他怕她生气。
She tore the letter to pieces in a moment of anger.一气之下,她把那封信撕得粉碎。
He always regrets the things he says and does in a moment of anger.他总是对自己发怒时所说的话和所做的事感到后悔。
In a moment of anger I hit my little brother.我一时气愤打了我的小弟弟。
He said that in a fit of anger.Don't take it to heart.这是他气头上的话,别往心里去。
He is prone to anger.他动不动就发怒。
She is swift to anger.她爱生气。
He is quivering with anger.他气得全身发抖。
Brooks burned with silent anger because his father would not let him use the car.布鲁克斯因为他爸爸不准他用车而暗自生气。
She became purple with anger.她气得面部发紫。
His face was red with anger.他气得满脸通红。
Dark-red in the face with anger, he jumped up.他气得脸色铁青,暴跳了起来。
I saw the boys throwing stones at the dog,I was filled with anger.当看到孩子们向狗扔石头时,我气急了。
She was behind herself with anger when she was told about it.当她得知这事后,气得发狂。
He was seething with anger when he was reading the letter.他念信的时候火气冲天。用作动词v.
S+~+AHe angers easily.他动辄发怒。
She always angers with little or no provocation.她往往会无缘无故发火。
S+~+ n./pron.Her cruel words angered him.她那无情的话激怒了他。
The man's unpleasant familiar behaviour angered the girl.那男人令人不快的放肆行为激怒了那个姑娘。
His bad behaviour was such as to anger everyone.他的坏行为竟至如此,激怒了每一个人。
The little boy's mischief angered his parents.小男孩的顽皮惹得他的父母生气。
Ade's reckless driving angered his father.艾德乱开车使他的父亲大为光火。
It angered me that they had not kept their promise.他们没有履行诺言,我非常生气。
He is easily angered.他容易动怒。
She was angered at the insult.她因受辱而恼怒。
They were angered at the resolution.他们被这项决议激怒了。
The workers were all angered at the decision.这项决定使工人们都很愤怒。
Jacelin was greatly angered by his brother's ingratitude.杰斯林因他弟弟的忘恩负义而勃然大怒。
He was angered by the selfishness of the others.他被别人的自私激怒。

anger用作名词表示的是主体在认为某人〔行为,事实〕不公正或不道德时,或者在受委屈或被激惹时由于气愤心理而引发的一种感情冲动,即“怒”“愤怒”。这种愤怒可以是较为稳定的,也可以是较短期爆发的; 可以是有控制的,也可以是失控的; 可以是有明显外部表现的,也可以是隐藏在心底的; 可以是正当的,有理由的,也可以是无缘无故的,甚至是毫无道理的。





anger用作及物动词时一般以物作主语,宾语通常是人。当人作主语时,常用于be ~ed结构,与介词at, by连用表示“因〔由于〕…而发怒”。

用作名词His charges were met with cries ofanger.他的指控遭到一阵愤怒的反对声。
His face was inflamed withanger.他的脸因愤怒而涨得通红。
He was inflamed withanger.他满腔怒火。
She feltangerrise in her heart.她感到心中冒起怒火。用作及物动词The eagle is eager toangerthe tiger in danger.鹰渴望激怒处在危险中的老虎。
We don't want toangerthe people who don't approve of nationalization.我们不要激怒那些不赞成国有化的人。用作不及物动词He was roused toangerby the insult.他因受辱而生气。verb.make someone mad;become mad
同义词 aggravate,annoy,antagonize,arouse,displease,embitter,enrage,exacerbate,exasperate,excite,incense,inflame,infuriate,irritate,offend,outrage,provoke,rankle,rileacerbate,affront,agitate,bait,boil,bristle,burn,chafe,craze,cross,fret,gall,goad,madden,miff,nettle,pique,rant,rave,ruffle,seethe,stew,tempt,umbrage,vexblow up,boil over,burn up,egg on,get mad,get on one's nerves,lose one's temper,make sore,raise hell,steam up,stir up
反义词 aid,alleviate,appease,bore,calm,comfort,compose,delight,help,lull,make happy,pacify,placate,please,quiet,soothe,tranquilize,assist,be happy,discourage,mollifyforbear As the United States is finding in Afghanistan itself, there is no surer way of angering local people, undermining a friendly government and boosting Taliban recruitment than killing civilians.
常在河边走,哪能不湿鞋,美国既已深入腹地,它不仅仅在当地人心中积怨,还削弱了一个友好国家,促进了塔利班的成长,而最劣等的行径就是造成无辜平民的流血牺牲。 ecocn

Steven Gerrard's wife Alex Curran has risked angering the whole of the city her husband plays football for by declaring it' rough'.
杰拉德妻子库兰对丈夫所效力的利物浦这个城市大发牢骚,她描述利物浦城市是粗鲁和低俗。 fans1

The Palestinian offer comes despite Obama angering them by defending the US threat to veto the bid for statehood while praising revolutions in other parts of the Arab world.

This had the unusual effect of angering both Russia and the European Union.
没想到这可把俄罗斯和欧盟都给惹恼了。 ecocn

A bigger risk than angering Wal-Mart is that Hollywood will be undone by internet pirates.
比惹火沃尔玛更大的一个风险是互联网的盗版将破坏好莱坞。 ecocn

But rural voters again elected a government made up of Mr. Thaksin's followers, angering his political adversaries.
不过农村的选民再次选举他信追随者组建政府,这激怒了他信在政治上的反对者。 ebigear

But the strategy is angering those in the northern suburbs, where neighbourhoods are filling up with water as the sluice gates remain closed.
但这个政策激怒了城北郊区的人们,由于水闸门关闭,那里的街道已经淹没在水中。 renren

Gates offered Ballmer 8.75% of the firm, angering other staff and Allen, who had agreed to a far smaller percentage.
盖茨还给了他8.75%的公司股份,此举激怒了艾伦和其他同事,只得到了极少数的支持。 yeeyan

Given a choice between angering this giant and disappointing Silicon Roundabout, when they come to act on Mr Hargreaves’ ideas, expect ministers to plump for the latter.
如果将来谷歌公司和硅岛就哈古瑞夫斯教授的提议进行争斗的时候,在选择是得罪谷歌这个行业巨头还是抛弃硅岛上,想必政府部长们将会更喜欢后者。 ecocn

Governments seeking to dial back costly subsidies risk angering their populaces.

I have a gift for angering princes.
我还有份礼物送给怒头上的王子。 cndkc

If it does, it risks angering politically active but shrinking groups of veterans and war widows.
这样做可能激怒在政治上十分活跃但为数越来越少的二战老兵和战争遗属。 iciba

John refuses to stop, angering Catherine.

Much of the guild masters' time here is actually spent focused on diplomacy, ensuring the guild plays the game of working for opposing masters without angering them.

Sir Victor Blank, the chairman of Lloyds who pushed through the deal on which Gordon Brown was keen, paid the price for angering shareholders.
推动这宗首相Gordon Brown热衷的交易的劳埃德银行 Lioyds主席 Victor Blank先生为平息愤怒的股东付出了代价。 ecocn

South Korea is upgrading its participation in a U.S., led international campaign to disrupt the traffic of weapons of mass destruction, a step it long avoided to prevent angering Pyongyang.
韩国准备更多参与美国领导的切断大规模杀伤性武器走私的国际行动。 韩国之前一直避免参与这些行动,以免激怒平壤。 ebigear

Taipei applied to the US government to buy66 F-16 C/D fighters in early 2007, but observers say Washington has held up the deal for fear of angering Beijing.
2007年初,台北向美国政府申请购买66架F16战斗机,但是观察家说,美国政府因恐激怒中国政府,延迟做出决定。 yeeyan

This week Spain said it would cut the guaranteed price to solar-power producers by up to 45%, angering investors in renewable plants.
本周西班牙政府说将把给太阳能生产商的保证价格削减至目前的45%,此举激怒了很多可再生能源电站的投资者们。 ecocn

When Fecteau remarked, “ My wife is going to die childless, ” Downey broke into laughter, angering the guards.
费克图说了句:“我老婆看起来要到死也没有小孩了。”唐尼忍不住笑出了声,惹恼了警卫。 yeeyan




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