

单词 hungers
释义 hun·ger·s 英'hʌŋɡəʳ美'hʌŋɡər COCA⁶³³⁵²BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n. 饥饿¹; 渴望v. 饿⁴⁰; 渴望; 使…饥饿原型hunger的三单过去分词hungered现在分词hungering三单hungers

state of not having enough to eat; lack of food


strong desire for sth

vt. & vi. 使饥饿

make hungry

vi. 渴望

want very much

a physiological need for food; the consequence of food deprivationstrong desire for something not food or drink;

a thirst for knowledge

hunger for affection

feel the need to eathave a craving, appetite, or great desire forbe hungry; go without food;

Let's eat--I'm starving!


❌ We had lost hunger.

✔️ We had forgotten our hunger.

“不知饥饿”不能译作lose hunger,而应说forget one's hunger。

hunger for, ache for, die for, long for, sigh for, starve for, thirst for


1.这组短语都可以表示“渴望得到某物”或“渴望做某事”; ache for和sigh for还可表示“想念某人”; hunger for还可表示“渴望知道某情况”。

2.这组短语都可以人作主语; ache for和thirst for还可用表示身体某部位的名词作主语。

3.这组短语都可以物作宾语; ache for, long for和sigh for还可以人作宾语。

4.ache for和die for多用于进行时态; hunger for和thirst for多用于一般时态; 而long for则可用于各种时态。

5.除starve for可用于被动语态作“缺乏”解外,其他6个短语极少用于被动语态。

6.die for表示的是极端渴望; ache for和long for表示的是强烈的渴望; 其他4个短语所表示的语气则相对较轻。

7.ache for和long for是口语用法; sigh for是文学用语; 其他4个短语则属于比喻用法。

用作名词 n.
动词+~allay hunger缓解饥饿appease hunger缓解饥饿die of hunger饿死gratify one's hunger满足渴望satisfy hunger充饥,解饿,满足欲望stay one's hunger充饥suffer hunger挨饿形容词+~deep hunger深切的欲望great hunger强烈的欲望ravenous hunger贪婪的食欲terrible hunger饿极了介词+~be pressed by hunger受饥饿的煎熬be ill from hunger饿病了~+介词hunger for rich发财的欲望用作动词 v.~+名词hunger the child饿着孩子hunger the dog饿着这条狗hunger the enemy使敌人饥饿hunger the poor使穷人饥饿~+介词hunger after渴望…hunger after food渴望得到食物hunger after news渴望得到消息hunger for渴望…hunger for a bread渴望一块面包hunger for a job渴望一份工作hunger for a meal渴望一顿饭hunger for sb's love渴望某人的爱hunger for success渴望成功hunger into饿…使之屈服
hunger for〔after〕 v.+prep.

极需…,渴望得到… need (usually sth very much; want usually sth very much)

hunger for〔after〕 sthThe poor children hungered for bread.这些可怜的孩子们急需面包。
He hungered for a good meal.他渴望得到一顿美餐。
He hungered for letters from his old comrades-in-arms.他渴望得到老战友的来信。
All the time she hungered for news from her little son.她每时每刻都在急切地等待着她小儿子的消息。
The traveller hungered for his native land.这个旅行者渴望回到自己的祖国去。
The unemployed hunger for jobs.失业者渴望得到工作。
The actor hungered for social attention.这位男演员渴望得到社会的关注。
The actors hungered for applause.演员们渴望掌声。
She hungered after his love.她渴望得到他的爱情。
These students hunger after new knowledge and ideas.这些学生渴望得到新知识,获得新思想。
hunger into v.+prep.

饿…使之屈服 use hunger to make sb give in

hunger sb into sthThey hunger him into submission.他们用饥饿使他屈服。
The besiegers hungered the garrison into surrender.围攻者使守军饿得只好投降。近义词 need需要wish希望pine松树lust贪欲crave渴望yearn渴望desire渴望hanker向往starve挨饿thirst渴望craving渴望passion激情poverty贫困appetite食欲long for渴望emptiness空虚eagerness渴望thirstiness渴starvation饿死hungriness饥饿famish使挨饿thirst for非常想望food shortage粮食短缺反义词 satiety饱足
用作名词n.His hunger was soon appeased.他的饥饿很快得到了缓解。
A cheese roll won't satisfy my hunger.一块奶酪卷不够我充饥。
Babies show their hunger by waking up to be fed.婴儿醒过来等候喂食,以此表示饥饿了。
They picked some broad beans to stay their hunger.他们摘了一些蚕豆充饥。
Poor people in many parts of the world suffer from constant hunger.世界上好多地区的穷人经常遭受饥荒。
They were miserable with hunger and cold.他们饥寒交迫。
He is patient of hunger and cold.他能忍饥挨冻。
They felt weak with hunger.他们因饥饿而感到很虚弱。
His stomach started to growl with hunger.他的肚子已开始饿得咕咕叫了。
The boy was half dead from hunger.那男孩由于饥饿已经半死不活了。
The refugees were constantly in peril of death from hunger.难民随时都有饿死的危险。
He died of hunger.他饿死了。
His hunger for excitement got him into a lot of trouble.他寻求刺激的欲望给他添了许多麻烦。
A great hunger for riches came upon him.他突然产生了一股强烈的发财欲望。
The hunger for power has created many tyrants.权力欲产生了许多暴君。
These lonely people all had a hunger for friends.这些孤独的人都渴望交朋友。
Most children have a hunger for books.绝大多数孩子都渴望有书看。
Hunger in stomach and heart, the lonely young man was standing on the corner of the street.这位孤独的年轻人站在街的拐角,饥肠辘辘,精神空虚。用作动词v.
S+~+ASome people are hungering, but some people are happy.有些人在挨饿,有些人却在高兴。
S+~+ n./pron.There is no food, they have to hunger the children.没有食物了,他们不得不让孩子们饿着。
The man is very rich, but he will give nothing to the poor, he only wants to hunger them.这个人很富有,但他什么也不施舍给穷人,他就想饿着他们。
The mother dog has died,I have no idea but hunger the baby dogs.母狗死了,我没有别的办法,只能饿着这些小狗。








用作名词He was goaded byhungerinto stealing.他为饥饿所迫而行窃。
I had experienced the pangs ofhunger.我曾经历过饥饿的折磨。
Hishungerfor knowledge drove him to the library.他对求知的强烈渴望驱使他上图书馆。
Myhungerfor magic is clouding my judgement!我对魔法的渴望已经淡化了我的判断力。用作动词The fat girl was attenuated byhunger.那胖姑娘饿瘦了。
Hishungerfor knowledge drove him to the library.他对求知的强烈渴望驱使他上图书馆。
Myhungerfor magic is clouding my judgement!我对魔法的渴望已经淡化了我的判断力。
He was goaded byhungerinto stealing.他为饥饿所迫而行窃。
I had experienced the pangs ofhunger.我曾经历过饥饿的折磨。 And there are still risks even in the most equal pairing between two strong people who have a handle on their hungers, and aim to stand, rather than fall in love.
即使能够处理自己的需要、目的是保证一段爱情而不是初坠爱河的两个人,在他们之间这种最平等的关系中依然存在危险。 eachinese




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