

单词 hundred flowers
释义 hundred flowers短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺
The annual China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival is one of China's largest film festivals.
中国金鸡百花电影节是中国最大的电影节之一。 chinese

“ Sange Award” and the film“ Hundred Flowers Award, ” opera“ Plum Blossom Award” and so on belong to the government's top prize since1999, hosted a total of nine sessions.
“山花奖”与电影“百花奖”、戏曲“梅花奖”等同属政府最高奖,自1999年以来共举办过9届。 blog.sina.com.cn

End in 70's numerous finance software companies became to let a hundred schools of thought contend, let a hundred flowers blossom of situation.
70年代末以来众多财务软件公司形成了百家争鸣、百花齐放的局面。 iask.sina.com.cn

Founded in1981, China's Golden Rooster Award, is Huabiao Award Government Award, Hundred Flowers Award public award Award for the three pillars of the experts.
创立于1981年的中国电影金鸡奖,是与华表奖政府奖、百花奖大众奖三足鼎立的专家奖。 lwsjz

I am the eyes of autumn, was not letting a hundred flowers bloom in spring are the decorative chrysanthemum;
我眼中的秋天,虽没有春天的百花齐放却有菊花的点缀; tradeask

In this garden, is sending out the beautiful hundred flowers the Cool fragrance.
这花园中,正散发出美丽百花的清香。 feirds

Letting a hundred flowers bloom, meritocratic purpose of the event is more capable personnel.
百花齐放,用人唯贤才是晚会的宗旨。 enun

Not only did Zhao welcome the birth of her lovely daughter, but also won the Best Actress Award of Hundred Flowers Film Festival.
不仅迎来了可爱女儿的降生,还获得了百花电影节最佳女演员奖。 iciba

One hundred flowers greeting the World's spring.
百花盛开春满全世界。 bbs.culture.163.com

Overall, the stock market Friday disk is colorful letting a hundred flowers bloom.
整体来看,周五盘面个股行情是百花齐放绚丽多彩。 hicoo

Some record companies, recording studios and producers have also existed, although only for a short period, such as Hundred Flowers, Chinese Fire, Magic Stone, Da Chenjin, Zhang Peiren and Guo Dawei.
还有当时鬼火一样的瞬间即灭的一些和摇滚乐有关的唱片公司、录音棚和制作人:百花、中国火、魔岩、大陈进、张培仁、郭大炜等等。 zhuweiartden

The Chinese Cultural Renaissance has begun; no doubt a hundred flowers will bloom and a hundred schools will contend.
中华文化复兴开始了,必将是百花齐放、百家争鸣。 hicoo

The Ningxia Hundred Flowers Cooperative for women is located on the periphery of China's impoverished western region of Xihaigu in Ningxia province.
宁夏百花妇女合作社地处中国西部贫瘠的宁夏西海固地区边缘。 th9th

The poems in the selection are from Song of Hundred Flowers.
这些作品均选自自诗集《百花吟》。 purepoem.com

Will the maintenance of stability and unity hinder the policy of “ letting a hundred flowers bloom”?
要求安定团结,是不是会妨碍百花齐放呢? iciba

Let a hundred flowers bloom. When they have, China, too, may find some it likes the look of.
百花齐放的能源市场或许会让富国当然还有中国发现自己钟爱的替代品。 ecocn




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