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词汇 Hun
释义 Hun.

a member of a nomadic people who invaded Europe in the 4th centuryoffensive term for a person of German descent来自古英语Hun,中亚地区游牧部落,来自土耳其语Hun-yu,即中国汉朝时北方少数民族匈奴,在公元4世纪时横扫欧洲,被成为野蛮的代名词。在一战时期该词用来指德国佬。Hun.=Hungarian
近义词 Kraut 泡菜jerry偷工减料的Krauthead德国佬Boche德国佬对德国人的贬称…

Wang Zhaojun married aHuntribal chief.王昭君就嫁给了匈奴的一位首领。
TheHunkingdom was centered in modern-day Hungary.匈奴国以现今的匈牙利为中心。 A hard-charging corporate executive who once recommended books about Attila the Hun to an acquaintance, Mr. Sokol ranks his staff monthly based on whom he would fire first.
这位进取心很强的企业高管曾向一个熟人推荐描写匈奴王阿提拉的书,他会每月基于谁先会被炒掉给手下人排名。 voa365

“ There is huge demand for a more open economy and society,” says Kim Sang- hun, a North Korean human- rights activist.
朝鲜人权活动分子金尚勋说:“人们对更加开放的经济及社会有着巨大的需求”。 ecocn

“ This is a real war. It is not a clash,” proclaimed Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.
“这是一场真正的战争,而不是冲突,”柬埔寨总理洪森宣布。 yeeyan

A century’s enmity and countless deaths stand between us and the Hun.
一个世纪的仇恨,无数的死亡横在我们及破坏者之间。 yeeyan

Another is that China supports dams and is a generous benefactor to the elected but dictatorial government of Hun Sen, the prime minister.
二是中国支持建大坝,并且它是赢得选举却专政的洪森首相政权慷慨的捐助国。 ecocn

Attila the Hun used large Molosser breeds in his campaigns.
匈奴王阿提拉在他的征战中饲养大型牧羊犬。 yeeyan

Attila the Hun played in the BBC's latest biopic by Rory McCann, pictured above is best known for his furious savagery.
匈奴王阿提拉最为世人所知的是他那狂暴的野蛮行为此人在英国广播公司最新的名人传记影片中由罗利•麦克恩扮演,见上图。 ecocn

But that seems unlikely after Hun Sen's extraordinary show of support.
但是在洪森对洪森表现的异常支持使其似乎不太可能。 topsage

Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen said Thai troops had entered his country and on Tuesday issued an ultimatum for them to leave or risk conflict.
柬埔寨总理洪森说,泰国部队已进入柬埔寨境内,并在星期二发出最后通牒要求泰国部队立即离开,否则面临冲突。 ebigear

Despite international concern, Mr Hun Sen’s plea for UN intervention seems a non- starter.
尽管国际关注,但洪森先生呼吁联合国介入的请求,似无望成功。 ecocn

Each war, of course, appears to the participants to have an immediate purpose--to crush the “ Hun, ” preserve democracy, disarm Saddam, or whatever-- that makes it noble and necessary.
当然,在战争的参与者看来每一场战争都有其直接的目的——粉碎“野蛮”,保护民主,缴萨达姆的枪或是其他什么,以表明战争的正义和必要。 yeeyan

In true Stalinist style, the players were then“ invited” to mount verbal attacks on their coach, Jung- hun.
在真正斯大林风格下,球员们接着被邀请对主教练金正勋进行言语上的攻击。 yeeyan

Most observers expect the ruling Cambodian People's Party led by Prime Minister Hun Sen to sweep to an easy victory.
大部分观察人士预计,由洪森总理领导的执政党柬埔寨人民党会轻而易举地胜出。 ebigear

Mr Hun Sen himself was a young Khmer Rouge military commander before defecting in1977.
洪森先生自己在1977年叛离之前就曾是一名年轻的红色高棉的军官。 ecocn

North Korea's deputy UN ambassador, Pak Tok Hun, rejected the report, calling it a“ politically conspired document, full of distortion, lies, falsity, devised by hostile forces”.
朝鲜驻联合国副大使德勋 Pak Tok Hun拒绝接受该报告,称其是“一份敌对势力策划的政治阴谋报告,充满扭曲虚假的事实以及谎言”。 yeeyan

One reason was to mark its30th birthday, in 1997, though that plan was thwarted by a bloody coup staged by Mr Hun Sen.
第一个理由在于,1997年当东盟正准备庆祝其成立30周年时却被由洪森领导的一场血腥的政变给阻扰。 ecocn

Prime Minister Hun Sen and his allies control several outlets.
首相洪森和他的盟友控制者几家媒体宣传。 yeeyan

The group has previously stirred trouble at the border, where Hun Sen has threatened to shoot any Thai trespassers.
这个组织过去频繁的在边界制造麻烦,洪森威胁要枪决任何泰国的入侵者。 topsage

The land grabs are only the most prominent examples of Cambodia's endemic corruption, from the office of the prime minister, Hun Sen, all the way down.
对土地资源的大肆掠夺是柬埔寨腐败的一个典型现象,这其中包括洪森在内的大大小小官员。 ecocn

Toward the end of the meeting, it was the turn of the coach, Kim Jong- hun, and then each of his players was compelled to criticize him.
会议临近结束时轮到教练员 Kim Jong- hun,出场,届时每个运动员被迫去批评他。 yeeyan

Two decades ago, children paddled boats on the lake, families enjoyed picnics, and Mr Hun Sen used to entertain foreign visitors at a modest but picturesque bamboo restaurant.
回想二十年前:孩子们在湖中划船嬉戏,家庭野餐其乐融融,洪森也曾经在一家虽欠奢华却风景如画的翠竹餐厅招待外宾。 ecocn

Hun Sen said Cambodia will work with China to push ASEAN- China ties to a higher level, maintain regional peace and stability and promote common development.




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