

单词 Humvee
释义 Hum·vee 英ˈhʌmˈviː美ˈhʌmˈviAHDhŭmʹvēʹ 高COCA⁴⁴⁰⁵⁴iWeb³²⁷⁸⁴

a high mobility, multipurpose, military vehicle with four-wheel drive近义词 Hum-Vee一种汽车
Thehumveeflipped onto its head.悍马翻了个四轮朝天。
For example: An MDvee is comprised of a singlehumveeand several MD.举个例子:一个MD编队由一辆悍马和几个飞弹防御兵构成。 From his first day in fatigues through his days driving a Humvee in Iraq, military life often didn’t mesh with his expectations.
军训生活和他的期望相去甚远,每天都让人倍感疲劳,这一直延续到费舍尔在伊拉克驾驶悍马的日子。 yeeyan

The day before Warren Zinn snapped his photo for Military Times, Dwyer's Humvee had been hit by a rocket.
就在 Warren Zinn拍下那张登载在军事时报的照片前一天, Dwyer的悍马受到了火箭弹的攻打。 sxjsbyy

The Hummer is a civilian version of American military's High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle, or Humvee.
悍马是民用版的美军高机动多用途轮式车或称悍马军车, Humvee。 yeeyan

The microwave weapon, mounted on a Humvee, uses a large rectangular dish antenna to direct an invisible beam toward a target.
固定在轮式机动车上的微波武器采用矩形抛物面天线太指引隐形辐射照射特定目标。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Humvee is by far the American military's most visible vehicle, and thus one of the more visible projections of American power and influence and waste around the world.
悍马军车是迄今为止美军最显赫的军车,因此,也是美国权力、影响力及浪费投射在世界各地的更为明显实证。 yeeyan

The Humvee- mounted G/ ATOR uses active electronically scanned array AESA radar to detect and track aircraft, cruise-missiles, and ground weapons, as well as to provide traffic control.
安装在悍马军车上的 G/ ATOR,采用有源电子扫描阵列 AESA雷达,可以探测和跟踪飞机、巡航导弹和地面武器,也支持交通控制功能。 www.etiri.com.cn

“ It is a shocking figure to compute what it costs by the time you pour that gallon of gas into a Humvee or an aircraft in the place you are operating, ” Conway said.
康威将军说:“当你把一加仑的汽油倒进正在使用的飞机和军车里时,算算它的费用真是令人震惊。” yeeyan

A Humvee with added armour does just four miles per gallon;
一辆带装甲的悍马每加仑只能跑四英里; cespn.net

A Humvee with added armour does just four miles per gallon; an Abrams tank burns four gallons to move a mile, in some conditions.
一辆带装甲的悍马每加仑只能跑四英里;在某些情况下,一辆艾布拉姆斯坦克一英里要烧掉四加仑。 ecocn

For example, a MEC player cannot drive an American MBT, a Humvee or fly a British aircraft.
比如一个中东的士兵不能开美军的坦克、悍马或者驾驶英军的飞机。 usa.bf2mod.cn

In our way back we saw death once again, when an IED exploded at the Humvee in front of us.
返回途中,当一个 IED在我们前面的一辆悍马边爆炸时,我们再次看到了死亡。 openow

It would be similar to a Humvee vehicle for patrolling on the ground but could turn into a helicopter at the touch of a button in an emergency.
这款车平时能够像悍马一样在陆地上驰骋,但是遇到紧急情况,只需要轻轻按一下按钮,它就能变成一台直升飞机。 yeeyan

Its first model was the Humvee, built for the military.
它的第一个模型是悍马,是为军事建造。 www.b2c365.com

Originally they were to be shown returning home in a Humvee, but during filming Michael Bay saw and requested to use the newly arrived CV-22s instead.
起初的想法是让他们坐在悍马上回家的,但是拍摄期间,迈克尔·贝要求使用新到的 CV-22。 moviepub

Russian troops also reportedly commandeered American Humvee s awaiting shipment back to the US.
另外,据传闻俄方还强占几辆了等待装船回国的美国悍马。 putclub

The Vulcan humvee will fire in deadly bursts of hot lead, sure to blow any aircraft out of the sky.
令火神悍马发射致命的连射热铅弹火海,并且撕碎任何侵入领空的飞机。 zhihuiguan

This was especially true for the Army in2000 because it had no wheeled combat vehiclesthe Humvee is not technically a combat vehicle, even when armoured.
这是出格真实,为我军在2000年,由于它不轮式战斗车悍马是否技能上的战车上,甚至当装甲 。74777.com

We had a newspaper reporter with us, and he rode next to me in the up- armored humvee.
有一名新闻记者跟着我们,挨着我坐在一辆武装悍马上。 yeeyan

We went there and in the way I saw Wilson staring at the Humvees and I wondered why? But when I saw the door of the Humvee with some shrapnel and bullet marks in it I told him let's go, we'll be late.
我们前往那里,在路上我看到 Wilson盯着一辆辆悍马看,我想知道这是怎么回事?但当我看到悍马车门上弹片和枪弹的累累痕迹时,我对他说,走吧,我们就要迟到了。 zhjunshi




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