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Humphrey Bogart短语⁶³⁶⁴⁶ 基本英英近义反义例句 亨佛莱·鲍嘉
Noun: United States film actor 1899-1957近义词 bogart吓唬; 多贪多占… And so, as we watched Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart saying good-bye in the rain, we vowed that on February14th we would create a really romantic Valentine's Day for ourselves. 于是,当看到英格利·褒曼与汉弗莱·博加特在雨中道别时,我俩约定2月14日为我们自己过一个真正浪漫的情人节。 Film director Woody Allen could see French President Nicolas Sarkozy playing a role like those of Humphrey Bogart, who was famous for his cynical and hardboiled anti-heroes. 电影导演伍迪艾伦可以想像法国总统萨科兹扮演类似亨佛莱.鲍嘉那样的角色,鲍嘉向来以擅长扮演愤世嫉俗及硬汉形象的非正统派男主角而闻名。 suyage.com |