

单词 humanoids
释义 humanoids 'hjuːmənɒɪd COCA⁸⁰⁴⁸⁰BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺
a.像人的;n.类人动物原型humanoid的复数 A commonly encountered species found in ports across the galaxy, these short humanoids are characterized by broad toothy snouts, sparse hair and coarse skin.
常见的种族,全银河系的港口都有出现。这种矮小的人形种族口鼻部宽阔,牙齿突出,毛发稀疏,皮肤粗糙。 starwarsfans.cn

The apes haven't fully evolved into humanoids, so the film depicts them with CGI rather than the franchise's trademark makeup.
猿还没有完全进化成类人猿,所以电影用电脑特技制作而不是用化妆。 yeeyan

The Lurmen are a species a lemur-like humanoids that appear in The Clone Wars animated series.
勒明人出现在动画连续剧《克隆人战争》里,是一个像狐猴一样的人形种族。 starwarsfans.cn

The Wild Green The Wild is the home of savage creatures, ferocious beasts, barbarous or primal humanoids, and capricious fey or elves.

Humanoids IEEE- RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots.
讨论仿人机器人的仿人 IEEE- RAS国际会议。 myoops

Battle droids are tall, gaunt humanoids with exposed joints and bone- white metal finishes that gives them an eerie resemblance to animated skeletons.
战斗机器人是高瘦的人形机器人,其暴露的关节和骨白色的金属喷漆使它们怪诞地类似活动骷髅。 starwarschina

Four diminutive humanoids have left the starting block in what's believed to be the world's first bipedal- robot marathon.
四个矮小的人形机器人已离开起跑架,展开一项相信是全球首次举行的双足机器人马拉松赛跑。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Japan is known for its fondness for humanoids, which have been put to use as security guards, receptionists and for other functions in a country with a declining birth rate.
日本一直以对机器人情有独钟而闻名。日本的出生率持续下降,机器人已被应用于保安、接待及其他一些岗位。 ebigear

Only one target can be hexed at a time. Only works on Humanoids and Beasts.
同时只能变一目标,只对人形和野兽有效。 ngacn

Pantorans are blue- skinned humanoids that inhabit the moon of Panotora in the Pantoran system.
潘托拉人是蓝皮肤的人形种族,居住在潘托拉星系的潘托拉卫星。 starwarsfans.cn

Roboticists working on humanoids, he says, “are doing amazing, exciting work, but it’s just not going to drive the robot industry— unless it’s for entertainment purposes.”
他说仿人机器人的开发确实“激动人心,但除了用于娱乐目的之外,没有推动机器人产业的发展。” yeeyan

Some tales claim that he was responsible for teaching humanoids such techniques as metalworking and even alchemy.
有传言声称亚斯塔罗斯必须为教导凡人诸如金属加工和炼金术等技术负责。 anetcity

Thankfully, these immense humanoids are rare, with only a scant few being spotted in the forests of the verdant moon.
所幸,这些庞大的外星人数量稀少,在卫星青葱茂密的森林里极少出现。 starwarsfans.cn

The U. S. lags far behind Japan and South Koreawhere the HSR series hails from in humanoids.
美国在人形机器人方面远远落后于日本和韩国 HSR诞生于此。 onlinepaycar

The stingers on Gaff's arms secreted a potent poison that would knock humanoids unconscious.
加夫手臂上的尖刺能分泌剧毒物质。它可以把人形种族打昏。 starwarsfans.cn

They are bipedal humanoids, with small eyes and large eyelids, and infrared vision that allows them to see in the dark.
他们是两足人形生物,有着小眼睛和大眼睑。对红外辐射敏感的视觉使他们能在黑暗中看见东西。 starwarsfans.cn

They are humanoids with shaggy gray hair, gray- brown skin, knobby brows, red-tinted eyes, and twin cones on their heads.
这种类人种族毛发粗蓬呈灰色,肤色棕灰,眉骨纠结,眼睛微红,头顶有一对锥角。 starwarsfans.cn

They collected them because humanoids coveted them, and so it sent the message clearly: I possess everything you lust after, so I have power over you.
他们收集这些女性,是因为人形种族对她们垂涎三尺,言下之意很清楚:我拥有你渴望的每一样东西,因此我的权势在你之上。 starwarsfans.cn

Viashino are savage-minded reptilian humanoids.
凡尔西诺是凶猛的爬虫类人形生物。 tcgchina

With one in110 children diagnosed with autism, and therapists in short supply, researchers are developing humanoids to fill the gaps.
每110名儿童中就有一人被确诊为自闭症,而且治疗师也供不应求,因此研究人员正在开发类人型机器人以填补空缺。 yeeyan

Your dishwasher, your car, your DVR all serve a practical, well- defined purpose. Today’s humanoids, meanwhile, serve almost no practical function.
我们知道,洗碗机、汽车、录像机等等都用实用而明确的功能定位,相比之下,仿人机器人几乎没有确切的功能定位。 yeeyan




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