

单词 angelic
释义 an·gel·ic 英æn'dʒelɪk美æn'dʒɛlɪk ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA²⁹⁰⁸⁰BNC²⁸⁹⁵⁶iWeb¹⁶⁸⁷⁹

marked by utter benignity; resembling or befitting an angel or saint;

angelic beneficence

a beatific smile

a saintly concern for his fellow men

my sainted mother

of or relating to angels;

angelic messenger

having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub;

an angelic smile

a cherubic face

looking so seraphic when he slept

a sweet disposition

angelic acid欧白芷酸,当量酸…cinnamenyl angelic acid苯乙烯基当归酸…angelic patience极大的耐心
钱博士angel天使+ic形容词后缀⇒天使的,天使一般的angel天使+ic形容词后缀⇒天使的,天使一般的。来自angeln.天使近义词 pure纯的good好的sweet甜的kind亲切的godly敬神的lovely可爱的divine神圣的caring关怀的saintly圣洁的innocent清白的heavenly天上的beatific祝福的celestial天上的angelical天使的virtuous有品德的cherubic天使般的sainted成为圣人的adorable值得崇敬的seraphic如天使般的appealing引起兴趣的saintlike圣徒一般的

用作形容词She has anangelicsmile.她有着天使般的微笑。
The singer has anangelicvoice.那个歌唱家有着天使般的嗓音。
Every white-robedangelicchild carried a candle.每个身穿白色长袍、天使般的小孩都拿了一支蜡烛。adj.sweet, kind, and usually beautiful
同义词 celestial,ethereal,heavenly,lovely,otherworldly,radiant,saintly,virtuousadorable,archangelic,beatific,beneficent,cherubic,devout,divine,entrancing,godly,good,holy,humble,innocent,pure,rapturous,righteous,self-sacrificing,seraphic
反义词 bad,earthly,hellish,sinful,wickeddemonic,devilish,fiendish,unkind
angelicaladjective heavenly
beatificadjective saintly
beautifuladjective physically attractive
celestialadjective heavenly
divineadjective godlike;excellent
godlyadjective religious
angelic,born-again,celestial,charismatic,deific,devout,divine,god-fearing,good,holy,pietistic,pious,prayerful,righteous,saintlike,saintly,virtuous As such Pyramids are gateways to the parallel dimensional fields of what would be termed the ' Angelic realm' or better stated, the anti matter realm.
这些金字塔是通往平行次元场域的门户,而被称之为「天使界」或更好的说法是「反物质领域」。 blog.sina.com.cn

Is Paul talking here about sort of satanic angelic powers that ruled the cosmos?

It's like every country, according to Daniel, has its own prince, by that he means some kind of angelic being.

The Prince of Persia refers in Daniel to some huge angelic super human being who actually rules Persia.

All that remains is the love of her adorable Denis and the angelic Mark, who we see prancing on a beach and playing on a swing.
唯一剩下的只有她可爱的丈夫丹尼斯和天使般的儿子马克,我们看到片中马克在海滩上欢腾,在秋千上玩耍。 yeeyan

America when will you be angelic?
美国,你什么时候能象天使一样? ebigear

And so angelic armies will break into history and bring about the solution to the problem.

By turns angelic in flight and stately in tucked-in repose, it is elegance on the wing— a bird to inspire flights of fancy.
天使般的飞行姿态和庄严的折叠静止姿态,它用翅膀诠释了优雅——这是一种能激发浪漫幻想的鸟类。 yeeyan

Day two, the waters that preside over the vault, they represent angelic peoples, he says the angels.

Each Catholic mass is still an act of praise in which worshippers explicitly join their voices with the angelic choirs.
每次天主教的聚会都还是一次赞美的活动,信徒们朗声加入天使的吟唱。 ecocn

God gives Napoleon some new angelic body.

Her dark, human like hair, hung in loose curls around her almost angelic face.
她乌黑的如同真人般的卷发垂在天使般的面庞边。 cri

It may migrate from the human body to an angelic body and then come down on the human plane, or to the animal plane and be born again as an animal.
灵魂可以从人体迁移进个天使的躯体,然后再转移到人类的层次上,或者堕落到畜生的层次上,如果是后者,灵魂就转世为动物了。 yeeyan

It's easy to miss that Legrand's presence is forceful and deep rather than ethereal and angelic, but here these qualities stand out like never before, lending her darker laments extra weight.
相比她飘渺的、像天使一般的一面, Legrand激情和深刻的一面很容易被人遗忘。然而在这里,这些从未出现过的特质让她的哀叹更多了几分凝重之感。 yeeyan

On the angelic side gleams the curved glass of the Berlaymont, home to the European Commission, the EU’s civil service and keeper of the European spirit.
而在天使这一侧,是作为欧盟事务的管理者与欧洲精神的守护者的欧盟委员会所在的 Berlaymont大厦,其上的弧形玻璃熠熠发亮。 ecocn

So the original meaning of transmigration or metempsychosis was the revolution of the soul from body to body whether animal, human, angelic or of the gods.
因此,轮回或转世的原意是指灵魂从躯体到躯体的循环,不管是动物、人类、天使还是神,都是如此。 yeeyan

That higher self wants you to know, as do we of the Angelic Realm, how much you are loved, how important and magnificent you truly are.
这高我想让你们知道,也是我们天使领域存有所想的,你们是多么深地被爱着,确实地你们有多重要和伟大。 blog.sina.com.cn

The modern world’s obsessions, or hang-ups, do not touch the angelic sphere.
当代世界的困扰或苦恼并未触及天使的世界。 ecocn

These are some kind of angelic beings or demonic beings.

Yet, if the clergyman were rightly viewed, his strength seemed not of the body. It might be spiritual, and imparted to him by angelic ministrations.
然而,如果没有看错的话,牧师的力量似乎并不在身体上,倒是在精神上,而且是由天使通过宗教仪式赋予他的。 hjenglish

Angelic voices hailed the coming of the ' Universal Lord' on this occasion, which marked the rising of the Nile flood.
天使的声音在欢呼“宇宙之主”在此之际,这标志着尼罗河水位上涨。 blog.sina.com.cn




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