

单词 human hand
释义 human hand短语³⁹¹⁶³
It's a spider's web of muscles and tendons under the skin, many of them unique to the human hand.
手掌皮肤下的肌肉和肌腱密如蜘网,其中许多肌肉和肌腱,仅仅是人手所特有的。 yeeyan

Using the intricate movements of the human hand, it gives the user far greater freedom to manipulate what is on the screen than the traditional drag- and- click system.
与传统的鼠标“拖动、点击”的方式相比,通过人手的复杂运动,用户可以更加自由地进行屏幕操作。 ebigear

In the bucket is a yellow- black human hand.
筐里是一只黄里透黑的人手。 yeeyan

The world's smallest engraving by human hand has been completed on the edge of a razor blade.
世界上最小的手工雕刻作品是在一片剃须刀的刀刃上完成的。 www2.chinadaily.com.cn




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