

单词 hulot
释义 hulot
Trough the paradox of amusement and work, loose structure, and the absence of the hero Hulot, Tati has created an effect of strangerlization.
塔蒂通过对娱乐与工作关系的考察,通过松散的故事、作为主角的于洛的缺席等来制造间离效果。 fabiao

“ It's like predicting the weather, ” says Hulot.
“就像天气预测”,胡洛说。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

“The order of the day is to spend less time shopping and more time connecting” over the holidays, said Florence de Monclin from the Nicolas Hulot foundation for Nature and Humanity.
尼古拉斯•于勒自然与人类基金会的弗洛伦斯•德•蒙可琳说,节日期间“人们应该少购物,多联络感情”。 iciba

Both Royal and Sarkozy were overtaken by television star Nicolas Hulot, who has threatened to run for president unless mainstream politicians do more for the environment.
电视明星尼古拉斯·胡洛特的排名则高居这两位总统候选人之上,在1064人中名列第三。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Hulot's team argues that the growth of these reversed patches, presumably eddies that are working against the primary motion of the core, can explain the current decline in the dipole field.
余洛的研究小组认为,假如此区块是一种与主要地核运动相抗衡的「漩涡」区,那麽此区块的增长便可以解释现今磁偶极场的衰减现象了。 bioon




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