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词汇 Huffington
释义 Huffington ˈhəfɪŋtən COCA²³⁴⁰¹
Google selected Monte Verde Elementary School student Matteo Lopez as the US winner of this year's Doodle4 Google contest, the Huffington Post reported.

That this topic hits a sensitive nerve was demonstrated by the extraordinary response to my recent post, which was amplified on the Huffington Post and Jezebel websites.
我最新的文章引起了强烈反响,说明这个话题已触动了人们的敏感神经。在赫芬顿邮报和 Jezebel网站上,这一情绪被放大了。 yeeyan

The Huffington Post reported Thursday the cable written in January2010 focuses on the behavior of Beninese peacekeepers stationed in the western town of Toulepleu in Ivory Coast.

The former McCain camp, clearly believing that offence is the best form of defence, has leaked a series of Palin emails to the Huffington Post.
前麦凯恩阵营显然认为进攻就是最好的防御,他们披露了一系列佩林给《赫芬顿邮报》 Huffington Post.的电子邮件。 yeeyan

The question now is which of the deep pocketed groups listed above— if any— will wind up partnering with Huffington.
现在的问题是,上述哪家财力雄厚的集团——如果有的话——最终将与《赫芬顿邮报》合作。 forbeschina

“It's everywhere— and it's going to be even more everywhere, ” says Arianna Huffington.
正如阿里安娜。赫芬顿所说的,它将充斥在每个角落,并且会达到更远的地方。 ecocn

A week later, the founder of Urban Prep, Tim King, took to The Huffington Post to defend his school against Ravitch’s charges.
一周之后,城市预科学院的创始人之一 Tim King在赫芬顿邮报 Huffington Post上就 Ravitch的指控替他的学校辩护。 yeeyan

A potential challenge for Huffington: two of Brazil’s top news websites are affiliated with the country’s leading broadcasters.
赫芬顿面临的一个潜在挑战是:巴西的两个顶级新闻网站隶属于巴西领先的广播媒体公司。 forbeschina

But these risks are marginal given the potential to build a generation that can navigate the media landscape, without relying solely on the Huffington Post or Drudge Report as their compass.
但考虑到培养出能够正确应对媒体现实而无须仅仅依赖《赫芬顿邮报》或者《德拉吉报道》作为指南针的一代人的潜在前景,这些风险微不足道。 yeeyan

But Huffington Post is, in a way, putting the bundle back together for the Web.
不过《赫邮》却以某种方式将所有信息重新打包在了一起。 fortunechina

He promoted them on his show, The Colbert Report, and successfully badgered celebrities such as Matt Lauer, Arianna Huffington and Al Gore into wearing them in public.
他在“科尔伯特报道”这项节目里推销它们,并成功地让马特劳尔,阿里安娜赫芬顿和戈尔等名人到在公共场合佩戴它们。 yeeyan

In an interview with The Huffington Post, Marks suggested that cities had been waiting to see how San Francisco fared.
在赫芬顿邮报的采访中,马克斯说其他城市正等待旧金山市的进展。 yeeyan

In Washington, the news cycle promises to become even more frenzied as outlets like The Huffington Post expand their operations there.
在华盛顿,新闻圈将为了出路变得更疯狂,就像赫芬顿邮报扩大经营一样。 yeeyan

Men's Health gathered the information for its ranking from the US Election Assistance Commission, Federal Election Commission and the Huffington Post.
《男性健康》杂志在编撰该榜过程中主要从美国选举协助委员会、联邦选举委员会和《哈芬顿邮报》等机构搜集信息。 kekenet

Moreover, this calculation does not take into account any improvement in AOL’s existing operations such as Patch, which should benefit from Ms Huffington’s magic touch.
而且这一数量并未考虑美国在线现存的经营的增加,像补丁这类产品受益于赫芬顿女士魔法般的点化。 ecocn

Mr Armstrong and Ms Huffington will have to work overtime to show sceptics that this particular corporate marriage makes sense.
阿姆斯壮先生和赫芬顿女士不得不加紧工作来给那些怀疑者看,这种特殊的公司联姻是有道理的。 ecocn

Mr Nawaz was the director of the International Monetary Fund’s publications division, still lives in Washington, DC, and writes a blog about Pakistan, India and America for the Huffington Post.
纳瓦斯先生是国际货币基金会宣传部的负责人,目前仍住在美国华盛顿特区,而且还为 Huffington Post撰写了一个关于巴基斯坦、印度与美国的博客。 ecocn

Nico Pitney of the Huffington Post, Andrew Sullivan of the Atlantic and Robert Mackey of the New York Times waded into a morass of information and pulled out the most useful bits.
《赫芬顿邮报》的尼科•皮特尼、《大西洋报》的安德鲁•萨利文以及《纽约时报》的罗伯特•麦基搜集了大量的信息并从中挑出最精华的部分。 ecocn

Spike Lee and Susan Sarandon expected at the Creative Coalition Party, and a Huffington Post party anticipating Halle Berry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Steven Spielberg, Sharon Stone and Stevie Wonder.
斯派克-李和苏珊-萨兰登将出席创新联盟晚会,哈利-贝瑞,雷奥纳多-迪卡普里奥,史蒂芬-斯蒂尔伯格,莎朗-斯通和史蒂夫-旺德则将参加赫芬顿邮报的晚会。 yeeyan

The“bachelor party” seems to be catching on in the US. The Huffington Post reported the party is similar to a bachelor party, but for expectant fathers.

Would she require an Arianna Huffington-type deal, where she basically gets to reinvent another company in her own image?
她会要求阿里安娜•赫芬顿式的交易吗换言之,她基本上是需要以自身形象重塑另一家公司吗? fortunechina

Huffington’s arrival in Brazil couldn’t come in a better time as the country’s online market is growing at a fast pace.
赫芬顿来到巴西的时机再好不过了,因为巴西在线市场目前正在迅速增长。 forbeschina




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