

单词 huffed
释义 huff·ed 英hʌf美hʌf COCA⁴⁰²⁴⁴BNC⁵⁴⁶¹⁷Economist¹⁶⁴²⁹
a state of irritation or annoyance
inhale recreational drugs;

The addict was snorting cocaine almost every day

the kids were huffing glue

blow hard and loudly;

he huffed and puffed as he made his way up the mountain

huff and puff恫吓; 暴怒; 咆哮…in a huff生气的huff-duff高频无线电测向…get into a huff感到受触犯,见怪,发…put someone into a huff使某人发怒,触犯某人…go into a huff感到受触犯,见怪…
近义词 of关于puff喷出blow打击mood心情pant喘息gasp喘气rant咆哮fury愤怒anger愤怒fit适宜的exhale呼气sulk不高兴temper脾气wheeze喘息miff小争执bluster咆哮offense过错breathe呼吸chuff乡下人complain抱怨grumble发牢骚snort喷鼻息作声bad mood心情不好displeasure不愉快

用作名词She took thehuffand went to come other store.她恼了,去了另一家商店。
She's got into ahuffbecause my brother didn't remember her name.她因为我的兄弟忘了她的名字而大动肝火。
My sister walked off in ahuff.我妹妹气呼呼地走了。
He slammed the door in ahuff.他怒气冲冲砰的一声关上门。用作动词I'llhuffand I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.我又是吹气又是喷气,要把你的房子掀翻。
When I get to the top I amhuffand puff.我到达顶端时累得直喘。
They canhuffand puff but they are powerless to alter the way things are.他们可以大声嚷嚷,可以发火,但是他们无权,与事无补。verb.sigh, breathe out forcefully
同义词 heave,puffblow,expire,gasp,pant
反义词 inhale The trade with foreign countries is being huffed now.

They are commonly abused by teenagers because they are easy to obtain and because they produce mind- altering effects when sniffed or “ huffed.”
由于这些制剂较易得到,且因它们可以改变心智,一般多为青少年滥用。 yeeyan

“ All Canadians know that Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state, ” huffed Dimitri Soudas, the prime minister's spokesman.
总理发言人 Dimitri Soudas怒道,“所有的加拿大人都知道伊丽莎白女王二世是国家首脑”。 ecocn

“ But I won't allow it, damn it!” he huffed.
“但是我不会准许你的,妈的!”他怒喝道。 yeeyan

“ Engines are much faster than buses, ” huffed Thomas.
“火车当然比巴士快很多了”托马斯气鼓鼓的说。 bbs.redmama.com.cn

“ Liverpool huffed and we puffed but were just missing a bit of guile, ” he added.
“利物浦很不开心,我们也灰头丧气,就是少了一点运气。”他又说到。 thefa

“ That’s not the point,” I huffed. “ We don’t need broadcast towers.”
“那不是重点,”我有点不耐烦,“我的意思是我们不再需要广播塔了。” yeeyan

“ Well, ” I huffed, sensing an opportunity to finally yell at him, “ what would you call it?”
“哦,”我被激怒了,觉得终于逮着机会冲他大吼了,“那你管这叫什么?” yeeyan

“I want some respect,” she huffed at the world in general, and off she flounced to New York. Her studio bosses hastily offered her more money.
她的工作室老板急忙向她提供更多的报酬. yeeyan

He huffed and puffed after her.

He huffed: “ We don’t need to read Western newspapers. All say the same: ‘ Qaddafi a dictator, oppresses his people.’”
他生气了:“我们不需要看西方报纸,说的都是同一套:‘卡扎菲是独裁者,他镇压他的人民。’” yeeyan

Her train huffed out of the town.

Merely to entertain such a possibility, he huffed on television, “ reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature”.
仅仅为了这样一种可能性,他在电视上发飙,“揭示了对人性的一个根本误解”。 topsage

She said she huffed the persons who flattered her.

She huffed to me and didn't say anything, no matter how I coaxed her.

She huffed off the house when her mother scolded her.

So the wolf huffed and puffed and blew down the house of sticks.
于是,大灰狼鼓起肚子,一口气又吹倒了木头屋子。 douban

They huffed and puffed about the price but eventually they paid up.
他们大声抱怨价钱太贵,但是最后还是付了钱。 hotdic

They huffed and puffed as they carried the sofa upstairs.
他们把沙发抬上楼时气喘吁吁。 dj.client.iciba.com

While generals huffed and puffed, the packed auditorium audience gave “Testimonies” a standing ovation.
当将军们长吁短叹之际,挤满观众席的观众们为《证供》起立鼓掌。 ecocn




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