释义 |
huber 基本例句 n.休伯 Pierre Huber is a famous art collector and broker of Sweden. He is keen on supporting and popularizing the experimental art and enterprising spirit, especially with Chinese contemporary art. 皮埃尔·于贝尔先生是瑞士知名艺术收藏人、经纪人,热衷于支持推广实验艺术和创新精神,尤其对中国当代艺术情有独钟。 www.cl2000.com Shortly before approval, it went a step further and “ formally committed to let ITA's customers extend their contracts into2016,” senior VP Jeff Huber wrote on Google's blog. 收购获批前夕,谷歌公司更进一步,用 ITA高级副总裁杰夫•胡贝尔在谷歌博客上所写的话来说:“正式承诺允许 ITA的客户将其合同延至2016年。” fortunechina |