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词汇 hubbub
释义 hub·bub 英ˈhʌbˌʌb美ˈhʌbˌʌbAHDhŭbʹŭb' ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIT宝八COCA³⁵⁰⁵⁰BNC³⁰¹⁹⁵iWeb³²¹⁰⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

loud confused noise from many sources拟声词,喧闹声。GRE红宝书象声词: hub, bub
可能来自hubble-bubble,中心地域冒泡的地方;hub 中心,不管是经济还是政治中心都是嘈杂的,人多嘛,如北京上海
GRE难词记忆hubbub→象声词,其发音很象吵闹声象声词hub + bub劈啪声象声词:hub + bub劈啪声近义词 row排din喧嚣ado麻烦noise噪声uproar骚动clamor喧嚷racket球拍tumult骚乱fracas喧噪rumpus吵闹bustle喧哗turmoil混乱rampage暴怒clamour喧闹fuss大惊小怪circus马戏团brouhaha吵闹commotion骚动sensation感觉disturbance扰乱katzenjammer头痛hullabaloo尤指人的持续的吵闹声…

用作名词Thehubbubof voices drowned out the host's voice.嘈杂的声音淹没了主人的声音。
It was difficult to hear what he was saying over thehubbub.声音太嘈杂,难以听清楚他的讲话。
At lunchtime, a pleasanthubbubof voices fills the museum's cafeteria.午餐时间,博物馆的餐厅里洋溢着一片愉快的嘈杂声。
There arose ahubbubamong them.他们发出了一阵喧哗。
We were disturbed by thehubbubfrom the outside.外面的吵闹声打扰了我们。
The square was a sea of people and ahubbubof voices bubbled up.广场上人山人海,人声鼎沸。noun.commotion, disorder
同义词 brouhaha,clamor,fuss,hue and cry,ruckus,tumult,uproarbabel,bedlam,confusion,din,disturbance,hassle,hullabaloo,jangle,noise,pandemonium,racket,riot,ruction,rumpus,to-do,turmoil,whirlhell broke loose,hurly-burly,rowdydow
反义词 calm,peace,harmony,order,quiet
adonoun fuss
babelnoun confusion
bedlamnoun chaotic situation
bustlenoun quick and busy activity
clamornoun loud cry;commotion
commotionnoun clamor, uproar
ado,agitation,annoyance,backwash,ballyhoo,bedlam,big scene,big stink,brouhaha,bustle,clatter,combustion,confusion,convulsion,discomposure,disquiet,dither,excitement,ferment,fermentation,flap,flurry,furor,fuss,hell broke loose,hubbub,hurly-burly,insurgence,insurrection,lather,mutiny,outcry,pandemonium,perturbation,pother,racket,rebellion,revolt,riot,rumpus,stew,stir,to-do,tumult,turbulence,upheaval,uprising,upset,upturn,vexation,welter,whirl Amidst the hubbub surrounding the current pandemic threat from swine flu, an epidemiological mystery has been unfolding.
目前猪流感大规模流行的威胁导致一片混乱,在这之中,一个有关流行病的秘密正在被解开。 ebigear

Lost in this hubbub, however, is a bigger idea that Mr. McCain and his economic team have put forward: a cut in the corporate tax rate, to25 percent from35 percent.
然而,迈凯恩先生和他的经济顾问团队的一个极好的主意却被人们的唾沫星子给淹没了:将公司的营业税缴税比例从35%降低到25%。 yeeyan

What's amusing to me about all the hubbub is just how similar what she's doing is to what we traditionally label as sex work.
让我对这场闹剧感到好笑的是,萨拉所做的和我们传统意义上的性工作是何其的相似。 yeeyan

Along with all the hubbub of shopping for presents and sending Christmas cards, many people in America take time to help others.
在采购礼物及寄送圣诞卡片的一阵忙乱当中,很多美国人仍会拨出时间去帮助别人。 kekenet

Although the hubbub about mergers sounds familiar, almost everything else has changed for the worse for the mining industry since those heady days.
虽然有关并购的喧闹耳闻能详,但自那些景气日子以来,对采矿业几乎诸事不宜。 ecocn

AMID the hubbub over a few less- bad- than-expected statistics, America’s economic debate has turned to the nature of the recovery.
尽管存在一些对“没有预想的差”的经济统计数据的争论,美国经济数据仍然显示其正在恢复正常。 ecocn

Amid the hubbub of an American election campaign, the loudest voices discussing Iraq are rarely the most constructive.
在美国选举活动的喧闹声中,在讨论伊拉克时声音最大的,很少是最有建设性的。 ecocn

As I learned to identify and enjoy those moments amid the hubbub of regular life, I found more smiles and sunshine than I’d ever thought possible.
当我从嘈杂喧哗的日常生活中,学着找寻喜悦的时候,我总结出让人温暖和开心的方法比我想象的要多。 yeeyan

At lunchtime, a pleasant hubbub of voices fills the museum's cafeteria.
午餐时刻,博物馆的餐厅里洋溢着一片愉快的嘈杂声。 kuenglish

But I can elaborate on it here, some twenty years later, now that all that parade hubbub has died down.
而在大约20年后,既然游行的喧闹已经消失殆尽,我便可以在这里详细地说明,. yeeyan

During the initial hubbub of publicity, a producer contacted me.
在最初宣传中,一位制片人和我联系。 yeeyan

During physical exercise, please keep quiet, no hubbub and playing are allowed.
运动过程中请勿大声喧哗,嬉戏、打闹。 renren

For vendors, in other words, the large environmental footprint of computing presents a sales opportunity. That is one reason why the hubbub about green IT will increase in2009.
从另一方面来说,对于买方,电脑业中环保主义大迈步提供了一个促销的机会。这是解释关于绿色 IT将在2009年增长的说法的一个原因。 ecocn

Here away from the hubbub of the city, from which, feelings surrounding Tsui Chuk, pines and cypresses of the beautiful nature and given fresh air, people delightful, fatigue Dunxiao.

I replied to all on the email asking if they realized that the only people visiting the website were all the people receiving the email who were curious to see what all the hubbub was about.
我回复给邮件上的所有人并问他们是否意识到所有去浏览这个网站的人就是那些收到这封邮件但好奇想去看看燔祭到底是什么东西的那些人。 yeeyan

In the hubbub over the insertion of“ Buy American” provisions into President Obama’s fiscal- stimulus package, the Grassley- Sanders amendment was largely overlooked.
在喧闹中一条“购买美国货”的条款插入了总统奥巴马的经济刺激方案之中。 Grassley- Sanders修正案被大大忽视了。 ecocn

Paradise silent for half an hour and human hubbub has been the millennium.

Reading this book is akin to time travel: it is an exhilarating portrait of the hubbub and sexual licence of Paris during an18th- century carnival.
读着这本书就感觉是在穿越时空:本书是对十八世纪狂欢时期法国的令人愉悦的写照—一个嘈杂喧嚣与性爱自由的社会。 ecocn

So Hubbub Benson, from the across the river, from the medical school here, has done a lot of research in this area.
所以 Hubbub Benson,住在河的对面,也就是医学院的对面,在该领域做了大量研究。 ecocn

Suddenly, amid all the hubbub of the gale, there burst forth the wild scream of a terrified woman. I knew that it was my sister's voice.

That is one reason why the hubbub about green IT will increase in2009.
这是解释关于绿色 IT将在2009年增长的说法的一个原因。 ecocn

There was a hubbub from the crowd outside the garden gate. “ This woman's gone crazy with grief, ” someone yelled from outside.
门口的人群一阵骚动。“这女人伤心得疯了,”某人从外面叫喊着说。 yeezhe




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