释义 |
Huat 基本例句 瓦特¹⁰⁰ Bro.Gwee BoonHuatled the praise and worship followed by a welcome speech given by the President of MSF, Sis.捞生宴开始时,由魏文福弟兄带领诗歌敬拜,接着是乐龄团契团长邓耀英姐妹致欢迎词,过后由周牧师谢祷。 Dessler, G. &Huat, T. C. . Human resource management - An Asian perspective. Singapore: Prentice Hall.张火灿.;策略性人力资源管理 Dessler, G. &Huat, T. C. . Human resource management - An Asian perspective. Singapore: Prentice Hall.张火灿.;策略性人力资源管理 His thick glasses, pudgy figure, and overall demeanour make him look more like a muddle-headed retiree than the owner and head chef of the famous SoonHuatCrab Bee Hoon Restaurant.厚沈的眼镜、身材绽露福气的他看似个糊涂的退休人士,多过于顺发螃蟹米粉的老闆兼主厨。 Huat's tests; 亨特氏试验, 乙腈试验 |