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HuascaranBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本英英例句例句 瓦斯卡拉山¹⁰⁰
Noun: a mountain in the Andes in Peru 22,205 feet highSunset overHuascaranSur from the Llanganuco Valley in Peru.从瓦尔日落图片 Sunset from the Llanganuco Val. On which continent would you find the following mountains:Huascaran, Sajama and Chimborazo.下列这些山脉是位在哪一大陆? Landslides, with debris traveling at speeds of up to 200 mph down the sides of the NevadoHuascaranmountain, destroyed whole villages.地震造成七万人丧生,超过八十万人无家可归。 American explorer and mountain climber. Her most notable ascents include the volcano Popocatepetl in Mexico andHuascaranin the Peruvian Andes.派克,格雷戈里生于1916美国演员,以饰演刚强和勇敢无畏的人物而知名,主演的影片包括符咒1950年和杀死知更鸟1962年 Landslides, with debris traveling at speeds of up to200 mph down the sides of the Navado Huascaran mountain, destroyed whole villages. 山体滑坡携带者各种杂物从纳瓦多·瓦斯卡兰山以时速200英里速度急冲而下,将所有的村庄全部毁灭。 yeeyan |