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词汇 Huang Zi
释义 Huang Zi
Huang Ziwas a scholarly composer,however,he got many unfair judgment in the history.黄自是一名学者型作曲家,还是一名颇有建树的音乐教育家。
Someone says, “Try marriage ” it is the man dallies with a of the woman actually new “Huang Zi” just.有人说,“试婚”其实就是男人玩弄女人的一个新的“晃子”而已。
In the field of artistic songs, Xiao Youmei and Zhao Yuanren were succeeded by such people asHuang Zi, Qing Zhu and He Luding.艺术歌曲创作自萧友梅、赵元任始,此后黄自、青主、贺绿汀等人在此领域亦多有建树。
Later,Huang Ziwrote Resist the Enemy and The Banner Flutters with the themes of resistance to the Japanese invasion and saving the nation.此后,黄自的《抗敌歌》和《旗正飘飘》均是以抗日救亡为主题的合唱精品
So we should set a goos value onHuang Zi's position in history of modern music,and it will be meaningful to spur music construction.正确评价黄自在现代音乐史上的地位,对于推动音乐文化建设具有重要意义。
Thus,Huang Zi's “Three Wishes of the Roses” reads, on the face of it, as innocence itself while between the lines lurks as strong a passionate statement of events as could possibly be compressed into a brief lyric.因此,黄自的《玫瑰三愿》表面上看来是很单纯朴实的,但字里行间却蕴藏着能够被压缩在这短短的抒情歌曲中的最强烈的时代激情。




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