

单词 Huangpu River
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A sailing on the Huangpu River shows you a spectacular view of the scenery.

In proximity to Huangpu River, the widespread Jiangwan Wetland is covered by rivers and waterways, making it the last150- Mu ecological land in downtown Shanghai.
江湾湿地公园毗邻黄浦江,那里幅员辽阔、河道纵横,是在上海中心城区中最后一块面积为150亩的原生态绿地。 gov

Some bridges have been put up over the Huangpu River.
黄浦江上架起了良多桥梁。 bangexam

The 7,658- meter-long Yangpu Bridge on the Huangpu River of Shanghai is the world's largest suspension bridge which spans602 meters.
飞跨上海黄浦江面的杨浦大桥是世界上最大的悬索桥。大桥全长7,658米,主跨达602米。 putclub

The ice- free Huangpu River is the main waterway in the Shanghai area.
常年不结冰的黄浦江是上海主要的水路通道。 tianyablog

The Pudong New Zone, separated from the old city by the Huangpu River, is now undergoing vigorous development and construction. Its look changes with each passing day.
现在,与上海老市区一江黄浦江之隔的浦东新区正在大力开发建设,面貌日新月异。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Earlier this July,10 bottles loaded with invitations and Expo souvenirs were put into the Huangpu River, with those finding the bottles receiving free Expo tickets.
早在今年7月份,10个内装世博纪念品和邀请函的漂流瓶被投入黄浦江,捡到瓶子的幸运者可免费参观世博园。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In1404 the Huangpu River shifted to its present course, entering the Yangtze River around Wusongkou.
在1404年的黄浦江转移到目前的课程,进入长江周围 Wusongkou。 blog.sina.com.cn

In1993 territories east of the Huangpu River were designated part of the Pudong New District.
在1993年新界东黄浦江被指定的一部分,浦东新区。 blog.sina.com.cn

Jar- tests were conducted to study the similarities and differences between aluminum sulphate and ferric chloride in their mechanism of removing bacteria in raw water from Huangpu river.
利用烧杯实验研究了硫酸铝和氯化铁对黄浦江原水中细菌的去除机理。 dictall

Originated from the Taihu Lake, the113- kilometer- long Huangpu River winds through the downtown area of the city.
起源于太湖,长113公里的黄浦江蜿蜒流经上海市中心。 tianyablog

Standing on the deck, I saw there were countless small moons in Huangpu River.
站在甲板上,我看到黄浦江上有无数个小月亮。 blog.sina.com.cn

The night tour on the Huangpu River was really exciting.
夜游黄浦江真是令人高兴。 mh2tvu.com

The Huangpu River winds its way across the city proper of Shanghai and pours into the East China Sea.
黄浦江曲曲弯弯流经上海市区,最后注入东海。 edu.sina.com.cn

There is a wild zoo in the south coast of Huangpu River, where can see many animals are in imminent danger.
浦江南岸有座动物园,那儿能看到很多濒临灭绝的动物。 chjso.com




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