释义 |
HuamanCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺⁶ 基本例句 瓦曼¹⁰⁰ Disagreements,conflicts and compromises are a part of what it means to behuaman.分歧、冲突和妥协是人之所以为人的应有之义。 A sexually driven humanity retained the instinct of pugnacity as part of what it meant to behuaman.好色者保有好斗的本能,成为个性之一。 How social capital promotes sustainable development is the overarching challenge forhuamantoday.它不但使人类意识到可持续发展的内涵,而且运用社会资本可以限制自然资本开采、并减缓其对环境的破坏,提高制造资本利用效率,充分利用人力资本,从而推动可持续发展进程。 The salient difference betweenhuamanand animal is that animal can not be worth but the latter do can.和禽兽的区别在于;禽兽不会变得更坏.;而人却可以禽兽不如 Calcium is one of the very important physiological macro-elements inhuamanbody.钙是人体内具有重要生理功能的常量元素之一。 |