

单词 Huainanzi
释义 Huainanzi
The dissertation is the attemptable study on the Dong Han Notes on Book ofHuainanzi.既有对前人研究成果的借鑑,又有自己的新发现。
According toHuainanzi, Hou Yi, sorry that his wife has to lead a mortal's life for his sake, obtained an elixir of immortality from Xiwangmu the Queen Mother of the West.根据《淮南子》记载,后羿觉得对不起受他连累而被贬下凡的妻子,便到西王母那里去求长生不死之药。
Secondly,huainanzi emphsizes on the aesthetic emotion of literature and art by discussing the idea of “zhiqing” on three aspects of the character and move and aesthetic effect,which is profoundly influential.其次,《淮南子》从艺术的特征、艺术的源动力以及艺术的审美效果等三个方面论述了“至情”观,第一次全面突出文艺创作的情感审美特征,其影响深远。
Chen Guangzhong believes that the “rebellion” of Liu An, the author ofHuainanzi, narrated in the historical records, is actually an unjust case and there are different causes to Liu An's suicide.陈广忠认为,史书所载刘安“谋反”案为冤案,刘安的自杀有其多方面、多层次的原因。
Writings of PrinceHuainanzi淮南子




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