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词汇 Huachi
释义 Huachi
Vigorous development of township enterprises,Huachiwineries, food factories, brick-effectiveness significantly.乡镇企业蓬勃发展,华池酒厂、食品厂、砖瓦厂效益显著。
Located at 128 Central Section of Shenhuo Blvd of Shangqiu City of Henan Province,HuachiHotel is a 4-star foreign business hotel with modern and special style.华驰粤海酒店是一家按照国家四星级标准兴建,充满现代格调、独具风格的高星级涉外商务酒店。
HuachiHuachiCounty Twin Towers Lin Monastery is located in the village of Twin Towerszhen xiang Zhang bifurcated groove and leopards River Interchange Desk on the ground.华池双塔寺位于华池县林镇乡张岔村双塔沟和豹子川河交汇处的台地上。
The short-term base-level cyclic sequences in the third oil reservoirs of the Yanchang Formation in theHuachiOil Field, Ordos Basin are examined on the basis of well logs and high-resolution sequence stratigraphy.摘要本文运用高分辨率层序地层学的基准面旋回原理,以钻井、测井资料的综合研究为基础,对华池油田长3油层组进行短期基准面旋回层序分析,将其划分为向上“变深”非对称型、向上“变浅”非对称型与对称型3种基本层序类型和更多的亚类型。
AuriculariaHuachimore glial natural, rich in protein, lecithin, vitamin B1, B2 and other trace elements, have medicinal bleeding Moistening Lung and Qing Di gastrointestinal function.华池天然黑木耳多胶质,富含蛋白质、卵磷脂、维生素B1、B2等微量元素,药用有止血、润肺、清涤胃肠的功能。
Huachispecialty Auricularia Ziwuling mainly in secondary forests, the production varies due to climate change, natural black fungus as a result of supply shortages and price a hundred times.华池特产黑木耳主要产于子午岭次生林中,产量因气候变化而异,天然黑木耳由于货源紧缺而身价百倍。




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