

单词 Hsia
释义 Hsia 英ʃjɑː美ʃjɑAHDshyä 
n. 夏朝约公元前21世纪到公元前16世纪左右
Karyotype analysis of Pinus hwangshanensis Hsia.
标题黄山松的核型研究。 www.cvh.org.cn

The story begins around2170 B. C. after the great flood in the Hsia dynasty.
故事发生于公元前约2170年的夏朝,那时人们刚度过一场大洪灾。 ryedu

This is a day of truth, dear hsia… Doubts and long- hidden conflicts are coming to the surface, and you want to dispel them, and see the clearly where you stand.
亲爱的茜娜,今天是要求真相的一天。怀疑和长久以来隐藏的冲突正在浮出水面,而你想要驱散它们,也想要清楚的看见自己所站的位置。 blog.sina.com.cn

Free HSIA in the guest rooms both broadband and WIFI are available.
客房内免费宽带上网; luahk

She had been vomiting nonstop when she met Dr Amy Hsia, a resident in her first year of training in a hospital emergency department.
她那时一直在不停呕吐,直到她遇见了艾米.夏医生,这位住院医师第一年在医院急诊室实习。 yeeyan

Taiwanese poet Hsia Ching's Poetry Drama Lady Meng Jiang is published in Taiwan.
台湾诗人夏菁的诗剧《孟姜女》在台湾出版。 poetrysky.com

The first to offer up his political head was Andrew Hsia, a deputy foreign minister, who took responsibility on August17th for the rejection of foreign offers of assistance.
最先交出职位的人是“外交部副部长”夏立言,为8月17日拒绝国外资助者援助负有责任。 blog.sina.com.cn

Hsia remembered that Maria had told her that her nausea improved when she took a shower and Googled“ persistent nausea improved by hot showers”.
夏医生记得玛丽亚曾告诉她,她洗澡时她的恶心得到了改善,她用Google搜索“热水淋浴改善持续恶心”。 yeeyan




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