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释义 HPAICOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Concerned by the recent spread of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza subtype H5N1 HPAI from South-East Asia to Western Asia and Europe;
藉着从亚洲东南部到西方亚洲的高度使生病鸟类的流行性感冒次类型 H5N1 HPAI和欧洲的最近传布有关; wwfchina

Initially, animal outbreaks were reported largely from East Asia and South East Asia, when concurrently Thailand and Vietnam reported human infect cases of HPAI serotype H5N1.
在这五年期间,动物感染爆发始于东亚及东南亚地区,当时泰国和越南均有人类感染高致病性禽流感 H5N1个案。 spatioepi

It is necessary to build animal disease information system to dynamic monitor and predict such as HPAI and FMD disease taking place, distribution, propagation.
构建动物疫病信息系统来动态监控预测诸如禽流感、口蹄疫等疾病的发生、分布、蔓延已成必要。 dictall

It is necessary to build animal disease information System to dynamic monitor and pr-edict such as HPAI and FMD disease taking place, distribution, propagation.
构建动物疫病信息系统来动态监控预测诸如禽流感、口蹄疫等疾病发生、分布:、蔓延已成必要。 dictall

The project has designed an activity to review the epidemiological situation in two project provinces and the current prevention and control strategy for HPAI.

Conscious that HPAI has significant actual or potential implications for agriculture and livelihoods, notably poultry- keeping;
有意识的那 HPAI有重要的真实或对于农业和生计的潜在含意,特别地保管家禽的; wwfchina

Countries are once more called upon to strengthen in-country as well as cross- border HPAI control measures, FAO added.
粮农组织还认为应当再次呼吁各国加强国内和跨界高致病性禽流感防控措施。 fao

During a recent HPAI outbreak in Lampung province on Sumatra island, for instance, a PDR team arrived within24 hours after bird flu had been detected.
例如,最近在苏门答腊岛的楠榜省爆发了高致病性禽流感。期间,一个参与性疫病监测工作组在发现禽流感的24小时之内便赶到那里。 com

Effective HPAI H5N1 surveillance, containment response, and field evaluation are essential to monitor and contain potential pandemic strains.
有效的 HPAI H5N1监测、隔离措施和现场评估是监控潜在大流行病毒株的关键。

For people in contact with live birds, the greatest concern relates to the risk of infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza HPAI virus in areas where the disease is endemic.
对于接触活禽的人群,在高致病性禽流感呈现地方性流行的地区最令人担忧的就是感染这种疫病的风险。 fao

Highly pathogenic avian influenza HPAI badly endangers fowls and human.
高致病性禽流感对禽类及人类危害十分严重。 cnki

In addition, regional HPAI networks need to be made stronger and sustainable with national and international support.
另外,通过提供国家和国际支持,应使区域高致病性禽流感网络更加强大并富有可持续性。 fao

In addition, the flow of eggs from a facility is stopped at the first suspicion of an outbreak of HPAI without waiting for a confirmed diagnosis.
此外,当产蛋厂首次怀疑 HPAI爆发时不需要等待确认诊断就已经被停产。 dxy

Last month’s HPAI outbreak in Thailand’s Pichit province was caused by the same virus strain circulating in the area since2003/4.
上个月在泰国披集府爆发的高致病性禽流感是由从2003/4年在该地区开始流行的同样病株所引起。 fao

Noting that a key objective in responding to HPAI should be that essential genetic resources should in principle remain unaffected;
注意一个主要目的在回应 HPAI方面应该是必要的遗传基因的资源应该大体而言保持不矫揉造作; wwfchina

Risk factors associated with highly pathogenic avian influenza HPAI were investigated and assessed to measure the risk of HPAI occurrences in Zhejiang province.
为明确浙江省高致病性禽流感 HPAI发生的风险水平,我们开展了相关风险因子调查和分析工作。 airiti

The participants rejected any suggestion of trying to stop the spread of HPAI by killing wild birds.
与会者拒绝接受任何试图通过捕杀野鸟的办法来遏制高致病性禽流感传播的建议。 fao

Therefore, eggs in the marketplace are unlikely to be contaminated with HPAI.
因此,出现在市场中的蛋类不大可能受到 HPAI的污染。 dxy

Therefore, it is very important and necessary to check the HPAI seral antibody level.
因此对野生鸟类高致病性禽流感血清抗体水平进行检测,就显得十分重要和必要。 cnki

Within a poultry house, transfer of an HPAI virus between birds also can occur via airborne secretions.
在饲养禽类的禽舍中, HPAI病毒的传播也可能通过分泌物经空气而在禽类间传播。 dxy

HPAI H5N1 is the type rapidly spreading in some parts of the world.
在世界的一些地区, HPAI H5N1是典型的快速传播型病毒。 dxy

HPAI spreads more rapidly than LPAI and has a higher death rate in birds.
HPAI传播的速度比 LPAI快很多,并且引起鸟类较高的死亡率。 dxy




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