

单词 Howell
释义 how·ell AHDˈhau̇əl 
But Howell was gone before the Bronx began to burn and wild dogs roamed Claremont Park.
在布朗克斯化为灰烬,野狗在克莱曼公园闲逛之前,豪厄尔就离开了。 yeeyan

Suddenly Howell was getting the hang of talking to this hellion in a wheelchair.
豪厄尔渐渐掌握了和这个轮椅上的女魔头谈话的技巧。 yeeyan

The slice of fruitcake crumbled in Howell’s hand.
豪厄尔手中的水果蛋糕碎了。 yeeyan

The Ambassador hoped to establish a good working relationship with Lord Howell and work with him to constantly push forward the China-UK comprehensive strategic partnership.
刘大使希望同豪厄尔勋爵建立良好的工作关系,共同推动中英全面战略伙伴关系不断向前发展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

“ I want Apartment6A, ” Howell said.
“我要租6A。”豪厄尔说道。 yeeyan

And that’s how Howell was first introduced to Naomi Waldman.
就是这样,豪厄尔和内奥米·沃尔德曼第一次见面了。 yeeyan

Critics have remained unconvinced, despite the fact that many still can't differentiate between Emily Howell's work and that of a human.
尽管埃米利 ·豪厄尔的作品与人类的作品没有太多区别,但是在这样的事实面前,批评家们仍然没有作出让步。 yeeyan

Even his teachers at elementary school learned to call him Howell.
就连他小学里的老师们都叫他豪厄尔。 yeeyan

For instance, one music- lover who listened to Emily Howell's work praised it without knowing that it had come from a computer program.
例如,一位音乐爱好者曾听过埃米利豪厄尔的作品,但当时并不知道这就是电脑程序的杰作,还对其大加赞赏。 yeeyan

He seemed disappointed in Howell.
他看上去对豪厄尔失望了。 yeeyan

It was Howell’s misfortune that he had to listen to all their clatter.
不幸的是,豪厄尔不得不听这些追求者们的废话。 yeeyan

It was the most insanely erotic moment of Howell’s life.
那是豪厄尔一生当中最为疯狂销魂的片刻时光。 yeeyan

Lord Howell said that China, with its rapid economic development, is playing an increasingly prominent role in international affairs.
豪厄尔勋爵表示,中国经济快速发展,在国际事务中日益发挥突出作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Pa waited10 minutes before he beat Howell with his belt buckle, just for offering a soda cracker to the little duchess.
爸爸过了10分钟才开始用皮带扣抽打豪厄尔:仅仅因为他给小女公爵一块苏打饼干。 yeeyan

Pa twisted Howell’s ear in front of Naomi and Mr. Hugo. “ Carlton, ” he grumbled, “ why are you bothering Mr. Hugo’s little girl?”
当着内奥米和雨果先生的面,爸爸扭着豪厄尔的耳朵:“查尔顿,”他咆哮道:“你为什么要打搅雨果先生的小姑娘?” yeeyan

That was50 years ago, but it stuck in Howell’s memory like a strange claw.
这都是50年前的事了,但它像某种奇怪的爪子一样,卡在豪厄尔的记忆中。 yeeyan

The little duchess tossed a tiny silver spoon at him and he stopped whimpering, but Howell bit right into the lip of his demitasse cup.
小女公爵将一把小银勺扔向他,他不再呜咽了,但豪厄尔一口咬住了小咖啡杯的边沿。 yeeyan

The thing I figured out soon after I applied was that, on Gilligan’s Island, it wasn’t the Professor who went to Harvard, it was Mr. Howell, the rich man.
在我申请之后我才发现,在梦幻岛之中,不是教授,而是豪厄尔先生,那个富人去了哈佛。 yeeyan

You were13— a child. Isn’t that right, Howell?
你当时才十三岁,一个孩子,对不对,豪厄尔? yeeyan

Zach Howell, president of the College Republican National Committee, could have said the same thing two years ago.
扎克豪厄尔,共和党全国选举委员会主席两年说过同样的话。 yeeyan

Howell didn’t have much to do with the building or its magnificent lobby of hammered silver and black marble that shone like devilish, blinding glass.
豪厄尔和大厦以及大厦那华丽的大堂都没什么关系:那个银色和黑色的大理石锻打出的大堂,像刺眼的玻璃一样闪闪发亮。 yeeyan

Howell froze; he’d tumbled into a secret little game.
豪厄尔僵住了;他跌进了一个秘密的小游戏。 yeeyan

Howell had to sit in the hall like a prisoner until Mr. Hugo arrived. His mustache barely bristled.
豪厄尔不得不像个囚犯似地坐在大厅里等着,直到雨果先生露面。 yeeyan

Howell had beautiful hands; that’s what the widows noticed first when they stepped onto the porch of the hotel and discovered Howell reading The Wall Street Journal.
豪厄尔有一双漂亮的手;寡妇们走过酒店门廊,看到正在阅读《华尔街时报》的豪厄尔时,第一眼注意到的就是他的手。 yeeyan

Howell laughed deep within his throat and shucked off his paisley tie.
豪厄尔在喉间低低地笑了,把他的佩斯利领带解开。 yeeyan

Howell left home while the Cross Bronx Expressway was being built.
豪厄尔离开家的时候,当地正在修建跨布朗克斯高速公路。 yeeyan

Howell recalled those silver teeth. He didn’t have much of a recollection of his mother.
豪厄尔记得那些银色的牙齿,但却不怎么能想起他的母亲。 yeeyan

Howell rushed over to the sink.
豪厄尔像水槽冲去。 yeeyan

Howell was15 at the time.
豪厄尔当时15岁。 yeeyan




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