

单词 aneuploidy
释义 an·eu·ploi·dy 英ˈænjəˌplɔɪdiː美ˈænjəˌplɔɪdiAHDănʹyə-ploid'ē COCA¹⁶⁷³⁰⁶BNC⁶⁶⁵¹⁷iWeb⁵⁰⁰⁶⁰

an abnormality involving a chromosome number that is not an exact multiple of the haploid number one chromosome set is incomplete钱博士an不+eu好+ploid倍+yS.名⇒非整倍性an不+eu好+ploid倍+yS.名⇒非整倍性
用作名词Amniocentesis is the standard prenatal detection procedure foraneuploidy.羊膜穿刺术是出生前检测非整倍体的金标准。
Thus, the common denominator of all carcinogens seems to be their initiation of randomaneuploidy.因此,所有致癌物质的共通点,似乎是它们都能随机引起非整倍体。
One measure of malignancy isaneuploidyby flow cytometry.恶性肿瘤的检测方法之一是通过流式细胞计显示异倍性。
Once an abnormal growth is defined as a cancer, or neoplasm, high cellularaneuploidyis also considered by some to be a sign of aggressiveness.一旦某个异常增生给归类为癌症或肿瘤,也有人将其中细胞的高度非整倍体性,视为癌细胞侵犯性的徵兆。 Conclusion DNA aneuploidy, SPF and EGFR is associated with malignant degree of gliomas.
结论: DNA异倍体的发生、 SPF值、 EGFR阳性率与胶质瘤恶性级别正相关。 iciba

Objective: To establish the method of aneuploidy detection in human oocytes by multicolor fluorescence in- situ hybridizationM-FISH.
目的建立多色荧光原位杂交技术检测人卵细胞染色体非整倍体的方法。 cnki

The appearance of aneuploidy implied early change to malignancy.
多倍体的出现是细胞恶变的早期表现。 cnki

The aneuploidy and SPF index are also the important factors which can influent the prognosis.
异倍体的出现以及 SPF值是影响预后的重要因素。 iciba

Abnormal chromosome numbers aneuploidy and structural chromosomal aberrations are invariably found in the cells of malignant tumors.
染色体数目异常非整倍体和染色体结构畸变经常可见于恶性瘤细胞。 jpkc.gdmc.edu.cn

And, notes Hughes, finding aneuploidy in one or two cells of an embryo does not always mean that the embryo will not be viable.
而且如 Hughes指出的,从一个胚胎中发现1到2个非整倍性的细胞并不意味着胚胎就无法存活。 dxy

But the more unexpected feature of their findings was discovered when the research team added other genetic errors to mice with a high rate of aneuploidy tumor development was slowed.
但是,在让小鼠具备其他基因缺陷时他们发现意外特性,即高比例的非整倍体肿瘤的形成速度放慢。 dxy

Cell cycle analysis indicated that the DNA synthesis fraction SPF of diploidy carcinomas was between normal colonic mucosa and aneuploidy carcinomas.
细胞周期分析表明二倍体癌 DNA合成期分数 SPF介于正常结肠粘膜和异倍体癌之间。 cnki

Conclusion: The tested chemicals interrupt the mitosis by tubulin polymerization and may induce aneuploidy by the pathway.
结论:受试化合物可能通过影响微管蛋白聚合来影响有丝分裂进而引发非整倍体。 cnki

Conclusion: The aneuploidy for chromosome9 and18 in sperm of16 healthy males was detected in this research, the result was similar to that of traditional sperm karyotype analysis.
结论:测定了16例健康人精子9、18号染色体非整倍体率,与传统的人精子染色体分析法测定的结果相近。 cnki

Drugs that inhibit accurate delivery of the right number of chromosomes to each new cell, resulting in aneuploidy, would be used to destroy tumors caused by mutations in the tumor suppressors.
该药物能够准确的将正确的染色体数目导入每一新细胞,产生非整倍体细胞,能够用于治疗由于肿瘤抑制基因突变导致的肿瘤。 dxy

Human germ cells have therefore become the focus of study in screening for aneuploidy and estimating the occurrence of nondisjunction in humans.
因而人类配子细胞已经成为筛查染色体非整倍体及估计染色体不分离发生的焦点之一。 cnki

Objective To analyse the clinical significance of the immunophenotype, aneuploidy and cell circle distribution in children with acute leukemia AL.
目的分析小儿急性白血病 AL的免疫表型、异倍体、细胞周期分布状况的临床意义。 cnki

Our experiments showed that exposed to benzene at higher concentration may induce increase in aneuploidy frequency of sperm autosomal chromosome in exposed workers.
实验表明接触较高浓度苯可引起长期暴露者精子常染色体非整倍体率增高。 cnki

Results also indicated that the frequency of aneuploidy and the percentage of cells in S-phase increase with advance in grading of tumors.
结果表明,随着膀胱肿瘤病理分级的增高,异倍体出现率和 S期细胞比例明显上升。 cnki

Results During long term cultivation, the population doubling time of the cells became shorter and the percentage of aneuploidy chromosomes and colonies grown in soft agar increased.
结果卵圆细胞在培养过程中倍增时间逐渐缩短,非整倍体染色体数目增加,在软琼脂中生长的克隆增多。 cnki

The researchers hope that, in the future, they can develop what they are calling“ aneuploidy therapy.”
研究人员希望将来他们能够研究出他们称之为“非整倍体疗法”的药物。 dxy

Aneuploidy is associated with cancer.
非整倍体与肿瘤相关。 dxy

Aneuploidy in human population is a serious genetic problem.
在人类群体中非整倍性是个严重的遗传问题。 dictall

Aneuploidy is an important point at issue in human reproductive biology, accounting for both a major proportion of miscarriages and various congenital malformation syndromes among newborns.
非整倍体是人类生殖生物学中的重要问题,是引起自发性流产和新生儿中多种先天性畸形综合征的主要原因。 cnki




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