

单词 houhai
释义 houhai
There are so many restaurants in Houhai.
后海那里餐厅太多了。 edu.sina.com.cn

I learnt swimming in the Houhai lake. In the past, the area was rather quiet for there were no bars.
我小时候学游泳就是在后海学会的,过去后海没有这些酒吧的时候特别安静。 zhuweiartden

It's a new restaurant in Houhai.
这是在后海开的一家新餐馆。 szecars

Key phrases and sentences Let's meet this evening and go for a walk round Houhai Lake.
重要的短语和句子我们今晚见面,然后绕后海湖散漫步。 xmu9

Let's meet at that good Yunanrestaurant in Houhai.
咱们在后海的那家云南餐馆见面。 szecars.com

Methods A mouses point Houhai, point Zhongwan or abdominal cavity was injected with pertussis vaccine and its immune response was observed.
方法对小白鼠后海穴、中脘穴、腹腔注射百日咳疫苗观察其免疫力。 dictall

Objective To investigate the correlated tissue structure in channels and collaterals, the vascular and lymphatic vessels of Houhai acupoint in chickens.
目的探讨穴区内血管、淋巴管与经络腧穴的关系。 chemyq

ObjectiveTo investigate the structure of micro vessel in Houhai point and its relationship with meridians and collaterals.
目的探索穴区内微血管构筑及与经络腧穴的关系。 cnki

Shall we meet at six this evening? Then we can take a taxi to Houhai.
我们今晚六点见面好吗?然后我们可以乘出租车去后海。 blog.sina.com.cn

The best places are the North Gate of the Workers' Stadium on Gongti Bei Lu or at the south end of Houhai, next to the Starbucks on Lotus Lane, just off Pingan Dajie.
工人体育馆北门外或是后海南面靠近莲花巷上那家星巴克周边地带,都是亲身体验这一独特文化景观的绝佳选择。 yeeyan

Then we can take a taxi to Houhai.
然后我们可以乘出租车去后海。 eol

There's a Starbucks on the west side of Houhai Lake.
在后海湖的西面有一家星吧克。 eol

Up to Houhai.
去后海。 eol

We can have dinner on the lake at Houhai.
我们可以在后海的湖上就餐。 hxen

We want to take a bus to Houhai night market.
我们要搭公车去后海夜市。 iciba

What's the best way to get to Houhai?
哪条是最便捷的路去后海? hxen

Why not have dinner at Houhai— on the lake?
我们为什么不在后海就餐呢?在湖上? thefirst

You can have dinner on boats at Houhai Lake.
你可以在后海的船上用餐。 www.netfm.com.cn

Houhai is a popular area for bars and restaurants.
后海的酒吧和餐馆非常受欢迎。 edu.sina.com.cn

Houhai lake in Central are sold Mala Tang, business everywhere ah.
后海的湖中央有卖麻辣烫,生意无处不在啊。 blog.sina.com.cn




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