

单词 hostility
释义 hos·til·i·ty 英hɒˈstɪlɪtiː美hɑˈstɪlɪtiAHDhŏ-stĭlʹĭ-tē ★★☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA⁷¹⁶⁹BNC⁵¹¹⁸iWeb¹⁰⁰¹⁵Economist⁴⁵⁶⁹


a state of extreme unfriendliness;enmity


acts of fighting in war

a hostile very unfriendly disposition;

he could not conceal his hostility

a state of deep-seated ill-willthe feeling of a hostile person;

he could no longer contain his hostility

violent action that is hostile and usually unprovoked词根词缀: -host-敌人 + -ile形容词词尾e略 + -ity名词词尾act of hostility敌对行为
host=拉丁词根hospit-的法语音变,陌生人,敌人+il=ile,形容词后缀+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→敌人的性质和状态⇒敌意,敌对行动,战争。非常记忆hostile怀敌意的〖熟词〗+itIT〖编码〗+y弹弓〖编码〗⇒满怀敌意的IT男摔坏了弹弓GRE难词记忆hostility→hostile a.敌人的+ity→敌对词根记忆host敌人+ility→敌意,敌对比较 amity友好,亲善关系来自hostileadj. 敌对的近义词 anger愤怒enmity敌意hatred仇恨offense过错ill will憎恶animosity憎恶aggression进攻antagonism对抗resentment怨恨opposition反对intimidation恐吓offensive令人不快的argumentativeness激辩反义词 amity友好关系
用作名词n.His criticisms are clearly coloured by hostility.他的批评明显带有敌意。
Not a word was spoken, but she could feel the hostility in the room.房间里虽然没有人说话,但她可以感知到不友好的气氛。
There was no overt hostility between the two men.这两人之间没有公开的敌视。
Hostilities have broken out between the two countries.两国之间爆发了战争。
用作名词I feel nohostilitytowards anyone.我对任何人均无敌意。
There is openhostilitybetween the two leaders.两位领导人表现出公开的敌意。
We should turnhostilityinto friendship.我们应该化干戈为玉帛。
Gay men and lesbians say there is less overthostilitythan in the west and certainly less physical harassment.男女同性恋者表示,在中国绝少存在西方那种公开的敌意,也的确少有肉体上的骚扰。 Tony Salzman, an American entrepreneur who has several businesses in Vietnam, says he has never sensed the slightest hostility in the14 years he has been there.
托尼·萨尔兹曼是一位美国企业家,在越南有多宗生意。他说,他在越南的14年间从来没有感到过一丁点的敌意。 ecocn

And yet, throughout their history, the Sami have always faced down seemingly insurmountable challenges, from a harsh and changing climate to the hostility of non- Sami peoples.
然而,在其整个历史上,从不断变化的恶劣气候到对非萨米人的敌意,萨米人一直总能克服看似不可逾越的挑战。 yeeyan

Indeed, prominent short-sellers have played an important role in exposing the poor condition of some companies, often in the face of intense hostility from management.
的确,卓越的卖空者在曝光一些公司的不良状况方面扮演了重要角色,他们经常面对来自管理方的强烈敌意。 ecocn

The hostility is also fueled by the apparently correct belief that children born of illegal parents are a significant contributor to the total number of births in the United States.
这种敌意被理所当然认为是正确的信念助长了,即对于美国总的出生人口的数量来说,非法移民生产的孩子有着重大贡献。 yeeyan




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