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词汇 host
释义 host 英həʊst美hostAHDhōst


a person who receives guests and provides food, drink, and amusement for them


a person, place, or organization that provides the necessary space, equipment, etc. for a special event


a person who introduces other performers, such as those on a TV show


a large number



a person who invites guests to a social event such as a party in his or her own home and who is responsible for them while they are therea vast multitudean animal or plant that nourishes and supports a parasite; it does not benefit and is often harmed by the associationa person who acts as host at formal occasions makes an introductory speech and introduces other speakersarchaic terms for armyany organization that provides resources and facilities for a function or event;

Atlanta was chosen to be host for the Olympic Games

medicine recipient of transplanted tissue or organ from a donorthe owner or manager of an inna technical name for the bread used in the service of Mass or Holy Communioncomputer science a computer that provides client stations with access to files and printers as shared resources to a computer network
be the host of or for;

We hosted 4 couples last night

host, band, circle, crowd, gang, group, herd, mass, mob, multitude, set

这组词的共同意思 是“一伙人”。其区别在于:

1.从组成上说:band常指有共同目的的、有领导者的一群人。 circle指因志同道合而形成的圈子或结成的团体,聚会频繁,文明高雅。crowd指毫无秩序地挤在一起的人群, 含有混乱、拥挤的意味。gang指为一个目标而聚在一起的一伙人, 常指在一起干坏事的人。group既可指有组织、有秩序的一群人, 也可指为一定目的临时聚在一起的一伙人;可指志趣相投的人,也可指社会团体;关系可密切,也可以是泛泛之交。herd 指有盲目追随心理的一群人。host指散落开来的一群人,也指军队或备有武装的人。mass指群众, 民众。mob指乌合之众或心怀不满而聚在一起寻衅滋事的一群人。multitude常指人数庞大的人群。set指有共同社会地位或相同目的的社会团体,也可泛指广泛的人群, 有时可指势力集团。


3.从修辞色彩上说:band, gang, herd, mob多含贬义;set指势力集团时也含有贬义。

4.从语体上说:host, set是口语用词;multitude是正式用词或较陈旧用词。

host, landlord

这两个词都有“主人”的意思。host是对guest客人而言的,指东道主; landlord指土地的所有者、房东或客栈的店主。

用作名词 n.
动词+~act as host做东play host to在…上做主人,招待…respect one's host尊敬主人形容词+~attractive host引人注目的主人warm host热情的主人名词+~TV host电视节目主持人~+名词host country东道国介词+~in hosts成群地~+介词host for tonight's program今晚的节目主持人a host of许多,大量a host of difficulties一大堆困难hosts of friends许多朋友
用作名词n.act as host

作为主人招待,做东receive guests as host

play host to

招待,接待receive guests

故事记忆当了一次 Host主人花费许多 Cost钱情侣客人 Most大多数的成双成对 Lost丢失的约会地点 Post杆子一起去见 Ghost鬼非常记忆lost失去⇒小狗失去了主人招待客人的人⇒主人近义词 armybandmesshotel managermaster of ceremonies反义词 guesthandfulcustomertravelersmall group
用作名词n.The host country for the next Olympic Games will be Greece.下届奥林匹克运动会的东道主将是希腊。
Your host,John Smith, hopes your stay at the hotel will be pleasant.店主约翰史密斯祝你在旅馆住得愉快。
Who will be the host for tonight's program?谁是今晚的节目〈主持人〉?
We met hosts of students.我们遇到了许多学生。
He has a host of reasons.他有很多理由。
A whole host of difficulties has have arisen.一大堆的困难出现了。
He is a host in himself.他一人能做很多人的事。
The host attacked the city unexpectedly.军队袭击了那座城市。
The host is/are ready to fight.军队时刻准备投入战斗。Phostname主机名Pairhostessn.空中小姐Phost-to-network主机到网络Phost-dependent与主机有关的Phost-to-satellite主机到卫星Phostessn.女主人女房东女老板Phost-independent与主机无关的Phost-resident驻在主机系统的主机常驻的





用作名词At the end of the party, we thanked ourhostand went back home.宴会结束时,我们谢了主人后便回家去了。
He was thehostfor a TV talk show.他是一名电视脱口秀的主持人。
Which country will be thehostcountry for the next Olympic Games?哪个国家将是下届奥运会的主办国?
Ahostof friends met him at the railway station.一大群朋友在火车站迎接他。
An infection thread is formed by the cytoplasm of thehostcell.侵染线是由寄主细胞的细胞质形成的。
The name is not an officialhostname or alias.该名称不是正式的主机名或别名。
Click on the virtualhostyou are updating.单击您要更新的虚拟主机。用作动词We sincerely wish China success inhostingExpo 2010.我们衷心祝愿中国成功主办2010年世博会。
Mr. Marce willhostthe reception tonight.马斯先生将主持今晚的招待会。
The Queenhosteda dinner for leaders attending the European summit.女王宴请了来参加欧洲首脑会议的各国领导人。noun.person who entertains, performs
同义词 anchor,entertainer,manager,moderator,owner,presenteremcee,innkeeper,keeper,proprietoranchor person,person of the house
反义词 guest,visitornoun.large group
同义词 array,crowd,multitudearmy,cloud,crush,drove,flock,gathering,horde,legion,myriad,rout,score,swarm,throng
反义词 guest,visitorverb.entertain, accommodate
同义词 introduce,present,receivetreatdo the honors,pick up the check,spread oneself,throw a party,wine and dine
armiesnoun group resembling military force
armed forces,artillery,battalions,batteries,brigades,cavalry,columns,commands,companies,corps,details,divisions,flights,formations,infantry,legions,outfits,patrol units,platoons,regiments,soldieries,soldiers,squads,troops,wings
armynoun group resembling military force
arraynoun collection, considerable group
arraysnoun collection, considerable group
apparel,attire,drapes,dresses,duds,finery,full dresses,garb,garments,getups,rigs,threads
battalionnoun military division
bunchnoun collection of something
agglomeration,assemblage,assortment,band,batch,bevy,blob,bouquet,bundle,caboodle,chunk,clump,cluster,covey,crew,crowd,fascicle,flock,galaxy,gang,gathering,group,heap,host,hunk,knot,lot,mass,mess,mob,multitude,number,oodles,pack,parcel,party,passel,pile,quantity,sheaf,shebang,shock,shooting match,spray,stack,swarm,team,thicket,troop,tuft The host bowed us in.

The host straightened his back.
主人挺直了他的背。 ebigear

The host went off, leaving them out in the cold.

Then I purposely interrupt one of the access paths by pulling off an FC cable between the host and switch.
然后,我故意拔掉主机与交换机之间的一根 FC电缆,以中断其中一条访问路径。 ibm

What happens if you need to upload or download data between your workstation and the remote host?
如果需要在您的工作站和远程主机之间上传或下载数据,会发生什么? ibm

Add access detail in the access list for this host.
为该主机在访问列表中添加访问细节。 ibm

As long as only one system on either host is running at any given time, only one deployment manager will be used.
在任何给定的时间内,只要任一主机上只有一个系统在运行,就会仅使用一个部署管理器。 ibm

China will host an exhibition of international garment machinery.

Create a subdomain and host all your static components there.
创建一个子域和主机所有静态组件那里。 cnblogs

Each network adapter should be configured with a boot address and associated host name.
每个网络适配器应该配置一个引导地址和相关联的主机名。 ibm

Furthermore, the symbolic name used by applications and regular users should only be an alias and point to a host name.
而且,应用程序和常规用户所使用的符号名称应该仅仅是一个别名,并且指向某个主机名。 ibm

I chose to use an initiation queue per host instead of per agent.
我选择对每个主机而不是每个代理使用一个发起队列。 ibm

In this way, the application can scale from the fraction of a single physical host to three physical hosts.
这样,应用程序可以从占用一个物理主机的一部分扩展到占用三个物理主机。 ibm

In all of the above cases, the system prompts you for a password for the remote host.
在上面所有的示例中,系统都会提示您输入远程主机的密码。 ibm

It can migrate storage transparently, from one storage device to another, without the host system ever being aware of the move.
它能在无需惊动主机系统的情况下将存储透明地从一个存储设备迁移到另一个存储设备。 ibm

Next, you need to create a new host entry in this zone.
接下来需要在此区域中创建一个新主机条目。 ibm

Note that for the WWPN to appear in this menu, you must have configured and zoned the host correctly in the SAN.
注意,若要使 WWPN出现在此菜单,您必须在此 SAN中已经正确对该主机进行了配置和专区划分。 ibm

On the queue manager, this translates to a requirement for an initiation queue for each host on which an agent resides.
在队列管理器上,这转化为要求其上驻留一个代理的每个主机有一个启动队列。 ibm

Our country will tie up with another country to host this exhibition.

Repeat this step to add each host that you need.
重复这一步骤,添加您需要的每一台主机。 ibm

So, any interruption to one of the access path does not affect storage access from the host.
因此,其中一条访问路径的中断不会影响从主机发起的存储访问。 ibm

This field should be retrieved from the certificate and verified against the host name.
这个字段应该从证书中进行检索,并根据主机名进行验证。 ibm

Why do you think it is very important to ask for the host permission in this case?
为什么你认为在这种情况下,请求主人同意是很重要的呢? hxen

You can avoid this by providing the host with the public portion of your own personal key.
通过为主机提供您自己的个人密钥的公共部分可以避免这种情况。 ibm

You need to compare the information with data that you know to ensure that the host is valid on your network.
因此,您需要将这些信息与所了解的其他数据进行比较,以确保该主机在您的网络中是有效的。 ibm




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