

单词 hospitalisation
释义 hospitalisation 英ˌhɒspɪtəlaɪ'zeɪʃən美ˌhɒspɪtələ'zeɪʃən 高COCA¹⁷⁹³³²BNC⁴⁰⁹⁴²iWeb²⁹³¹⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

placing in medical care in a hospital近义词 hospital care住院治疗hospitalization医院收容

用作名词You can opt for additional protection for accidents andhospitalisationor add on a waiver for critical illness.您可选择添加意外及住院保障,或加上严重疾病保费豁免利益。
Sturgeon told the Scottish parliament this morning thathospitalisationrates were similar to those in the US.斯特金今天上午在苏格兰议会上报告,苏格兰猪流感病例的住院率和美国大致相同。 And sometimes more serious effects such as purulent wound infections and severe pneumonia may occur, requiring hospitalisation and special antibiotics for treatment.
严重者可引致化脓之伤口感染或严重肺炎,需要住院并用特别的抗生素治疗。 kuenglish

Over2 weeks of hospitalisation, the dysarthria and ataxia improved.
治疗2周后,构音障碍及共济失调改善; www.behcet.com.cn

The end point was cardiac death, pump failure, hospitalisation for worsening heart failure.
终点事件包括:心源性猝死、泵衰竭、因心衰加重接受入院治疗。 fabiao

A BLOODY incident involving Bulgarian twin brothers in Larnaca led to an eight-day remand of one and the hospitalisation of the other for stab wounds yesterday.
一个流血事件涉及拉纳卡保加利亚孪生兄弟导致了一个为期八天的还押和其他被刺伤住院的昨天。 sdsky

Even with such increases, rural residents still have to pay a large part of hospitalisation costs out of their own pockets.
即使按照扩大保障之后的计划,农民仍然要自己支付大部分的住院和医疗开支。 yeeyan

Patients who were admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of an acute coronary syndrome were assessed during hospitalisation and in the first six months after discharge.
这些被诊断为急性冠状动脉综合征病人,在医院治疗及出院后六个月时间内的状况得到评估。 dxy

That's four times the hospitalisation rate for healthy adults.
这个数字是正常成年人感染后住院率的4倍。 yeeyan

The tests found68 out of72 workers were so badly poisoned they required hospitalisation.
体检结果发现72名工人中有68名严重中毒,他们需要住院治疗。 yeeyan

The worldwide costs from deaths and hospitalisation are hard to calculate in the absence of information about medical costs in each country.
世界范围内由于病人死亡和住院而产生的损失在缺乏各个国家医疗费用信息的情况下难以计算。 blog.sina.com.cn

These clinics represent the first points of contact for people presenting with minor ailments, chronic diseases, or acute problems which usually do not require hospitalisation.
这些属公营服务的门诊是市民因一般不适、慢性病或无须留院治疗的急性疾病就诊的地方。 spatioepi

Hospitalisation for dental problems is now a serious health issue, even though decay— or dental caries — could easily be prevented through regular brushing and check-ups, the researchers conclude.
专家表示,住院接受牙科治疗已成为先进严重的健康隐患,尽管通过正常的刷牙和检查可以很容易的防止蛀牙或龋齿。 blog.sina.com.cn




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