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词汇 horoscope
释义 hor·o·scope 英ˈhɔːrəˌskəʊp, ˈhɒr-美ˈhɔrəˌskop, ˈhɑr-AHDhôrʹə-skōp', hŏrʹ- ★☆☆☆☆高GS八COCA⁴³⁰⁷⁴BNC³²⁵⁰⁶iWeb¹³¹²⁵

a prediction of someone's future based on the relative positions of the planetsa diagram of the positions of the planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place古代人认为,人的性格及命运都取决于人出生时的星象,即出生时整个宇宙的天体运行所处的状态。古代的占卜师能够根据人的出生时辰和地点,推算出当时的星象,并解读出这个星象所蕴含的关于人的命运的含义。英语单词horoscope就反映了这种迷信思想。该单词源自希腊语horoskopos,由horohour,时辰+skoposscope,景象,视野构成,字面意思就是“出生时辰所对应的星象”。
horoscope: 'hɒrəskəʊp n.星象,星位,十二宫图;占星术,
cast a horoscope:以占星术来算命cast a horoscope占星; 根据占星术给…
用作名词Now I'm just reading myhoroscope.我现在在看我的星座。
Jane'shoroscopesays she will fall in love today.根据星座运势,珍今天会坠入爱河。
Whichhoroscopedoes not reveal his/her inner secrets most easily?哪个星座的人最不容易说出内心的话?
Chloe consulted herhoroscopeto see whether Tuesday would be a propitious day to dump her boyfriend.克洛伊查阅了星象,看看星期二是否是抛弃男朋友的吉利日子。noun.astrological forecast
同义词 astrologypredictioncrystal gazing
astrologynoun prophesy of the future by observation of stars and planets
destinynoun fate
Moirai,afterlife,break,breaks,certainty,circumstance,conclusion,condition,constellation,course of events,cup,design,divine decree,doom,expectation,finality,foreordination,fortune,future,happenstance,hereafter,horoscope,inevitability,intent,intention,karma,kismet,lot,luck,objective,ordinance,portion,predestination,predetermination,prospect,serendipity,the stars,way the ball bounces,way the cookie crumbles,what is written,wheel of fortune,world to come
fatenoun predetermined course
Moirai,break,chance,circumstance,consequence,cup,destination,destiny,divine will,doom,effect,end,ending,fortune,future,handwriting on the wall,horoscope,inescapableness,issue,karma,kismet,lot,luck,nemesis,outcome,portion,predestination,providence,stars,termination,upshot,wheel of fortune
kismetnoun fate, fortune
Lady Luck,chance,destination,destiny,divine will,doom,handwriting on the wall,horoscope,karma,lot,luck,portion,predestination,providence
predestinateverb fate
Moirai,break,chance,circumstance,consequence,cup,destination,destine,destiny,divine will,doom,effect,end,ending,foreordain,fortune,future,handwriting on the wall,horoscope,inescapableness,issue,karma,kismet,lot,luck,nemesis,outcome,portion,predestination,predestine,predetermine,preordain,providence,stars,termination,upshot,wheel of fortune
predestineverb fate
Moirai,break,chance,circumstance,consequence,cup,destination,destine,destiny,divine will,doom,effect,end,ending,foreordain,fortune,future,handwriting on the wall,horoscope,inescapableness,issue,karma,kismet,lot,luck,nemesis,outcome,portion,predestinate,predestination,predetermine,preordain,providence,stars,termination,upshot,wheel of fortune The majority of the astrologers are of the view that people born under the symbol of Aquarius, would more tend to go for knowing their horoscope, which is a very amazing reality regarding horoscope.
大部分占星学家认为,水瓶座的人们更倾向于了解他们的星座,一个和现实紧密相连的星座。 yeeyan

The horoscope is a mirror of the soul.

All that may sound like a horoscope, but the public doesn't seem to care.
所有这些听起来就像是占星,但公众似乎并不介意。 yeeyan

As if I needed more proof of just how good the psychic was, that night, as I read the newspaper, I noticed my horoscope: “ Do everything your boss says.”
那天晚上,就在我看报纸时,似乎冥冥之中为了印证算命先生的话一样,只见对应我生辰八字的金玉良言正是:“老板说啥你都得听。” yeeyan

As if to underscore this point, an alternative horoscope tells me that now is a good time to collect on old debts.
另一种星座的说法则告诉我,现在是时候去收回旧债了,仿佛刻意强调了这一点。 yeeyan

Because Saturn was based on a key, north-south-east- west point of the horoscope, you felt his influence more than if he were elsewhere in your chart.
因为土星是以一个关键点为基础的,就是星象中的东南西北的点,相对于星图中的其他位置,在这个位置你会更容易受它的影响。 douban

Can see from the position of the sun, Venus, moon horoscope which horoscope of the person have fatal attraction to you!
从太阳、金星、月亮星座的位置,可看出哪个星座的人对你有致命的吸引力! iciba

Do you read your horoscope every day?

Having Mars in one house of the horoscope this long is like having20 cups of coffee a day!
当火星在你的星象中停留这么久就像是一天喝20杯咖啡一样! douban

I did my--I got my horoscope for today on the web.

I've had days that seem to fit with my horoscope's predictions.
我已经有好几天似乎和我的星象预言相符合。 en211

If you look at your horoscope at all it's likely for fun.
你关注自己的星座,可能只是为了找个乐子。 yeeyan

I'm not superstitious. The horoscope sometimes turns out to be accurate.
不是我迷信,星座运势有时还是很准的。 putclub

In addition, the firm is counting on the Chinese horoscope's current Year of the Rabbit as a period of opportunity.
除此之外,公司正打算利用中国的农历兔年,好好把握机会。 yeeyan

Instead, like a beaten-down horoscope reader, Nokia continues to believe that it must continue down the current path toward its destiny.
诺基亚反而像深信不疑的占星师一样,仍然相信它必须将现在的路走下去,向着它的命运前进。 yeeyan

See, that sounds good to me. It's ridiculous to let a horoscope control your life.
看到了吗,我看挺好的。让一个星象控制你的生活真是荒谬。 en211

Since I am a Rabbit in the Chinese horoscope, this is my year.
而按照中国的属相,我是属兔的,今年是我的本命年。 fortunechina

They may remain unproven for now, but for those who want to look into the future, they have a good deal more scientific credibility than horoscope charts and tarot cards.
他们可能还没有被科学研究证明,但是对于那些希望预测自己未来的人,恐怕这些理论要比占星的星盘和塔罗牌更为可信一些。 yeeyan

This makes“ horoscope” a bit of an odd word.
于是,“星座”这个词就有点奇特了。 yeeyan

Today my horoscope says that I should start a fitness regime.
今天,按照占星术的说法,我应该开始健康养生计划。 yeeyan

You can't stay at home because of a stupid horoscope.
你不能因为一个荒唐的星象呆在家里。 en211

You should goan astrologer have your horoscope read.
你应该找占星家,让他告诉你你星象。 english767




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