

单词 hormone
释义 hor·mone 英ˈhɔːˌməʊn美ˈhɔrˌmonAHDhôrʹmōn' ★★☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA⁵⁷⁷⁹BNC¹⁰⁹⁸⁴iWeb³⁴⁸³Economist¹⁴²⁰⁹

the secretion of an endocrine gland that is transmitted by the blood to the tissue on which it has a specific effect来自希腊语horman,驱动,使移动,来自PIE*er,移动,使。古希腊著名医生Hippocrates用来指人体中一种重要的生命元素,后19世纪英国生理学家Ernest Henry借用该希腊词来指荷尔蒙。hormone replacement therapy激素取代疗法…sex hormone生化性激素…antidiuretic hormone后叶加压素luteinizing hormone黄体化激素adrenocorticotropic hormone促肾上腺皮质激素…Thyroid Hormone Imbalance医甲状腺失调…adipokinetic hormone脂酸释放激素…thyroid hormone甲状腺激素cortical hormone皮质激素wound hormone愈伤激素,愈伤酸,伤…gastrointestinal hormone胃肠激素parathyroid hormone甲状旁腺素female hormone雌情激素类…plant hormone植物激素androgenic hormone雄激素gonadotropic hormone促性腺激素growth hormone生化生长激素…molting hormone脱皮激素,蜕皮激素,…steroid hormone甾类激素follicular hormone卵泡激素
horm-one酮⇒n.荷尔蒙²⁶;激素⁷⁴n.生荷尔蒙²⁶;内泌素;内分泌;激素是前苏联研制的一种直升机GRE红宝书horm冲动, 兴奋-荷尔蒙
horm鼓动,冲动+on e→激素;
非常记忆hor获〖谐音〗+money钱〖熟词〗⇒获得金钱后荷尔蒙激增发音记忆hormone荷尔蒙近义词 endocrine内分泌的internal secretion生化内分泌…

用作名词Ethylene is a growthhormonein plants.乙烯是植物中一种生长荷尔蒙。
Thehormonetreatment might lead to the man growing breasts.给男性注射许多的女性荷尔蒙可能导致他们长出乳房。
Estrogenhormonetherapy advice is not yet uniform.激素激素治疗意见尚不统一。
Emotional states can affect ourhormonelevels.情绪会影响激素水平。as in.contraceptive
同义词 condom,diaphragm,pillIUD,armor,coil,foam,jelly,loop,preventative,prophylactic,ring,rubber,safety,shield,spongebarrier method,intrauterine device,planned parenthood,preventive medicine,rhythm method,spermicidal cream,vaginal suppository
contraceptivenoun birth control method
IUD,armor,barrier method,coil,condom,diaphragm,foam,intrauterine device,jelly,loop,pill,planned parenthood,preventative,preventive medicine,prophylactic,rhythm method,ring,rubber,safety,shield,spermicidal cream,sponge,vaginal suppository It was thought that only the brain produced this hormone, but no, your belly fat can make it too.
这种荷尔蒙被认为产生于大脑,但是不,你的肚子脂肪也可以产生它。 yeeyan

Ask your doctor whether hormone therapy is right for you.
向你的医生咨询一下看激素疗法是否适合你。 yeeyan

Cherries, sunflower and flax seeds have traces of this hormone.
樱桃,向日葵籽和亚麻籽都含有这种荷尔蒙。 yeeyan

Coffee also stimulates the release of cholecystokinin, a hormone which inhibits cholesterol build-up in the gallbladder.
咖啡还能刺激缩胆囊素的释放。那是抑制胆囊中形成胆固醇的一种激素。 yeeyan

Human genes are used by pharmaceutical firms in the production of insulin for diabetics, human growth hormone, and erythropoietin, which is used to treat anemia.
制药公司利用人体基因生产治疗糖尿病的胰岛素、人类生长激素和用于治疗贫血的红细胞生成素。 huanqiu

If the male foetus does not receive enough male hormone at the appropriate time, one of two things may happen.
如果在适当的时间内,男性胎儿没有接收到足够的雄性激素,就会发生两件情况之一。 yeeyan

If you exercise to exhaustion, you may experience a temporary change in hormone levels and a drop in sperm quality.
如果你锻炼到精疲力尽,你可能要经历荷尔蒙水平的暂时改变和精子质量的下降。 yeeyan

In both of these cases, and others, many researchers reckon that the underlying cause is exposure to too much of that male hormone in the womb.
对于这两种案例和其他情况,许多研究人员认为,根本原因是他们在母亲肚子里时就产生了过多的雄性荷尔蒙。 ecocn

In this chapter we will look at what happens when a human foetus receives too much or too little male hormone.
在这一章里,我们将看看当一个人类胎儿接收了过多或过少的雄性激素会发生什么。 yeeyan

Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar.
胰岛素是一种调节血糖的荷尔蒙。 who

Insulin is the main hormone that we have full control over daily through our diet and lifestyle.
胰岛素是我们可以通过日常饮食和生活方式来控制的主要激素。 yeeyan

Interestingly, the level of hormone appears to rise in people who are trusted.
有意思的是,受到信任的人荷尔蒙水平似乎能上升。 ecocn

One possibility is that being overweight influences hormone levels in a way that affects the brain.
一种可能性是,超重在某种程度上影响荷尔蒙水平,因而影响到大脑。 yeeyan

Previously, it was difficult to know if a mother had been exposed to a chemical during pregnancy that disrupted hormone activity in her child.
但在此之前,谁也不知道一位准妈妈在怀孕时是不是接触了那些会扰乱胎儿激素活动的化学物质。 yeeyan

Real men, he tells me, don’t take testosterone and Human Growth Hormone.
真正的男人,他跟我说,不服用睾丸激素和人体生长激素。 yeeyan

The first week of your hormone cycle is a good week to start dieting.
您的荷尔蒙周期的第一周,是合适的时机可以开始节食计划了。 yeeyan

These findings suggested that unlike normal mice, the obese mice lacked a hormone that made them feel full.
这些发现表示,与正常老鼠不同,肥胖老鼠缺少让它们感觉吃饱的一种激素。 yeeyan

They asked them for what they typically ate, how much they exercised, marital status, smoking, hormone therapy, heck they even asked if you went to church.
他们会问平时吃什么,做多少运动,婚姻状况,是否吸烟,是否接受过激素治疗,真见鬼他们甚至问是否去教堂。 yeeyan

They have a“sex- typical hormone profile in the relationship of estrogen to testosterone,” which is what men desire at their core.
这些女人拥有的性征--“在雌激素到雄激素关系中典型的荷尔蒙配置”,这正是男人们从骨子里想要的。 yeeyan

This hormone stimulates the production of red blood cells.
这种荷尔蒙可以刺激红血球的产生。 ecocn

To explain how light exposure at night might affect the moods of both hamsters and people, the researchers turn to a hormone called melatonin.
为了解释夜间曝光是如何影响仓鼠和人类心情的,研究人员转向了一种叫褪黑激素的荷尔蒙。 yeeyan

We should be looking at hormone production during late pregnancy and lactation.
应该对怀孕后期和哺乳期荷尔蒙产生的过程作研究。 yeeyan




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