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词汇 hops
释义 hops.

twining perennials having cordate leaves and flowers arranged in conelike spikes; the dried flowers of this plant are used in brewing to add the characteristic bitter taste to beerhops oil啤酒花油full of hops瞎讲着胡说着…see how the gander hops观望看风使舵…dash someone's hops使某人的希望破灭…
近义词 hop跳跃
用作名词Thehopsshortage is only part of the problem.啤酒花的短缺仅是问题的冰山一角。
The basic materials of Orval beer are spring water, malted two row barley, aromatichopsand candy sugar.酿造欧瓦啤酒的基本原料是水,两穗大麦麦芽,芬芳啤酒花和糖。 A shortage of hops threatens Christmas
啤酒花的短缺危及圣诞佳节 ecocn

Alternatively, grow your own hops, check out some recipes on Self-sufficientish, and forage your own flavourings such as yarrow before brewing your own beer.
相应地,在酿造啤酒之前,你可以自己种啤酒花,查阅制作指南,收集一些香料比如欧蓍草。 yeeyan

Eschewing traditional grains like barley and hops, beer made with bamboo offers a unique flavor suitable for your bamboo-derived repast!
暂不谈传统谷物如大麦和酒花,用竹子酿的啤酒给你的竹宴带来独特的风味! yeeyan

Investigate the benefits of chamomile, valerian, kava, passionflower, skullcap, catnip, or hops.
甘菊,缬草,卡瓦胡椒,,西番莲,美黄芩,猫薄荷我靠! ,啤酒花被证明是有效的。 ebigear

It then hops to its destination by directing some of the gas to sideways-facing thrusters, to propel itself backwards or forwards.
之后,通过控制侧面推进器所喷出气体的方向,探测器可以前行或后退以便进行弹跳。 ecocn

Washington is the country’s largest producer of apples, raspberries, plums and hops.
这里的苹果,山莓,李子和啤酒花的产量居全国之冠。 ecocn

A large number of network hops, or hops that time out, affect client-to- server communications.
大量的网络路由跳,或超时的路由跳,影响客户服务器的通信。 ibm

Beer fans will no doubt be familiar with the calming effect of hops, the female flowers used in beer making.
啤酒迷们无疑对啤酒花镇定的效果是非常熟悉的,其中雌花用于啤酒的制作。 yeeyan

Beers with more hops naturally had more silicon they found.
利用更多天然啤酒花制成的啤酒会含有更多的硅。 yeeyan

By adding an explicit inter- domain trust between EU and NA, service ticket requests from Europe only require two hops.
通过在 EU和 NA之间添加显式的域间信任,从欧洲请求服务票证的操作仅需要两次跳转。 ibm

Chemicals present in beer's hops break down over time, forming other compounds that result in the unpleasant taste.
啤酒花中的化学物质随着时间的推移而分解产生其它化合物是导致这种使人不愉快的味道的原因。 yeeyan

Each interaction between two individual hops can have its own set of timeouts, all of which in concert define the overall behavior of a service invocation.
两个独立跃点之间的每次交互都有自己的超时集,所有这些结合在一起,定义了服务定义的整体行为。 ibm

He hops to her plate, and begins eating.

Information from the most distant nodes on the network made as many as45“ hops” before reaching the central computer for analysis.
信息从网络中最遥远的节点取得,在到达中央计算机进行分析前高达45个“跳点”。 ecocn

It may be that without this unremitting industry the lawyer and his family could not have afforded quite so many hops across the Atlantic.
或许是因为没有这些持续不断地抱怨,律师和他们的家庭很就无法承受这横贯大西洋般的纷繁复杂吧。 ecocn

One of the new Internet drafts is on a Neighborhood Discovery Protocol that allows nodes to discover and work with those one and two hops away.

Replying to requests by caches as close to the user as possible improves responsiveness by reducing network hops and network latency.
由靠近用户的缓存对请求作出应答,可以减少网络跃距和网络延迟,从而尽可能地提高响应能力。 ibm

Several years ago, the telescope turned its giant eye toward a star called HOPS-68, which is located in Orion about 1,350 light years from Earth.
几年前,“斯皮策”将它的“目光”投向了一颗名叫 HOPS-68的恒星,距离地球1350光年,位于猎户座内。 yeeyan

Sometimes you may have intermediaries in between hops, in which case you may not be able to rely on SSL.
有时,在跃点之间可能有一些中间层,在这种情况下,您不能依赖于 SSL。 ibm

They cite Bavarian Purity Requirements that date to Duke William IV in1516, which allow only water, hops, and barley to be used in the brewing process.
他们以1516年威廉公爵四世公布的德国啤酒纯度条约为证,该条约规定,只有水、啤酒花、大麦可用于酿造啤酒。 yeeyan

They found that lighter beers with a greater use of hops had the most silicon.
他们发现淡啤酒中使用了更多的啤酒花,所以含有大量硅元素。 yeeyan

Without their supply of hops, some smaller producers are going out of business, bringing to a halt the fastest- growing segment of the industry.
如果没有他们提供啤酒花,一些规模较小的生产商将要停业,这将会导致酿酒行业增长最快的部门停滞不前。 ecocn




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