释义 |
Hongya 基本例句 洪雅¹⁰⁰ Hongyasells a particular brand of fashion cheap as a loss leader.宏雅低价出售某种牌子的时装作为亏本引诱品以招揽生意。 BaoanHongyaGarden for the series finale. North Project development company from Shenzhen in Baoan District Po China Road and Metro 29, Sichuan Road Interchange.宝安弘雅花园系列的压轴之作。由深圳北方工程开发公司开发,位于宝安新城29区宝民路与上川路交汇处。 Three years ago, with the Ya'an and JapanHongya, heardHongyaCounty People's Political Consultative Conference Vice-President Chen Shui Qiguo Ya stereotyped female.三年前,在与雅安一衣带水的洪雅,就听洪雅县政协副主席陈八股说起过雅女。 This article analyses the average dates of hospitalization, treatment fees and composition of the fees for the first 11 types of diseases of 2313 cases of inpatients enjoying public health service inHongyaCounty.对洪雅县2313例公费医疗住院患者的前11个病种的平均住院日、病种费用及费用构成进行了分析。 Survey on the hygienic condition of radiation in medical units ofHongyaCounty洪雅县医疗单位放射卫生现况调查 |