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词汇 Hongcun
释义 Hongcun
Xidi andHongcunmay be protected by UNESCO, but they definitely lie within Chinese territory, for which I have a valid visa already.西递和宏村是受联合国教科文组织保护的,可它们是位于中国的领土之内,而我已经有了有效地进入中国领土的签证呀!
Lin Shensi living in Changle County , for the first champion in Fujian.林慎思844-881字虔中,号伸蒙子,唐长乐县崇贤乡钦平里今长乐市潭头镇大宏村人,为福建历史上第一位状元。
Xidi andHongcunare most typical ancient towns in Wannan.They are classic symbols of Wannan regional culture and have been recorded as world heritage by UNESCO.西递和宏村是皖南古村落中最具有代表性的两座古村落,是皖南地域文化的典型表征,被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。
Chengzhi Tong Chun Sheung Shui in the middle ofHongcun, Jianyu Qing Xianfeng five years , is the late Qing Wang Salt Merchants expensive residential setting.承志堂位于宏村上水圳中段,建于清咸丰五年公元1855年,是清末大盐商汪定贵住宅。
By exploring and researching Xidi,Hongcunthese two countries, we here reveal the pictures of the Huizhou civil buildings, customs, the elegant demeanour of the alleyway, and the Huizhou cultural concept of the combination of heaven and humans.通过西递、宏村两个村落的探源与考证,展现徽州民居、民俗、小巷特有的风情以及徽人天人合一的文化观念。
The three young guides we had in Xidi,Hongcunand Nanping were very amiable and well-trained, answering my questions without hesitation and showing no eagerness to hurry me up when I started taking pictures.我们在西递、宏村和南坪的3位年轻导游都很和蔼,而且训练有素,毫不迟疑地回答我的问题;在我拍照时,也没有表现出急躁催我快点儿。




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