

单词 homestretch
释义 home·stretch 英ˈhəʊmˈstretʃ美ˈhomˈstrɛtʃAHDhōmʹstrĕchʹ 高COCA⁷⁴⁷⁰⁴iWeb⁴⁹⁸⁵⁵

the end of an enterprise;

they were on the homestretch when the computer crashed

the straight stretch of a racetrack leading to the finish linehome stretch终点直道

The horse forged ahead the lead in thehomestretch.那匹马在最后阶段突然加速跑到前面。
The horse folded up in thehomestretch.马在终点直道上不肯跑了。 Hitting the homestretch in fall: on a former railroad bridge in the Great Allegheny Passage in Pennsylvania.
在秋天里返家的最后旅途上冲刺:在之前宾夕法尼亚州阿勒格尼大公路的铁道桥上。 yeeyan

The race- horse was off like a streak, heading down the homestretch.
那匹赛马飞快地跑开,向最后的直线跑道冲去。 iciba

The jockey pulled the horse up at the top of the homestretch.
赛马师把马停在赛道的最上方。 nciku

The second trimester is coming to an end and your body is gearing up for the prenatal homestretch.
怀孕中期马上就要结束了,你的身体正在做产前的最后准备。 yeeyan

Was boxed out by the tallest player on the team; was boxed in on the homestretch.
被球队中最高的球员封住了;在最后一弯道被阻住了。 tdict

In the homestretch to2015, we see the momentum continuing to build, especially to combat maternal and neonatal mortality, another item on your agenda.
在向2015年进行冲刺时,我们看到动力在继续增长,尤其是在应对孕产妇和新生儿死亡率方面,即你们议程上的又一项目。 who

In October, while the campaign for President was in the homestretch, I was involved in two exciting policy developments.
在10月,总统竞选进入最后阶段的时候,我参与了令人激动的两项政策的制定。 yeeyan

Just as we were entering the homestretch, another of our leaders was gone.
我们刚刚进入决胜跑道,就又失去了一个领导人。 yeeyan

That Obama's fortunes rose as the markets sank shows how central temperament has become in the homestretch of the presidential race.
奥巴马的机遇出现在市场沉陷之时,核心气质渐渐成为总统竞选终回对决的要点之一。 yeeyan

They were hoping the extra hours would help their profits in the homestretch.
他们希望最后几天延长营业时间能够增加商店的盈利。 ebigear

We are in the homestretch now.
我们正处于最后冲刺阶段。 who

You should be packing about10 to15 extra pounds as you head down the homestretch to the finish line.
当你朝着最后终点迈进的时候,你应该会增加10--15磅重量。 yeeyan




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