

单词 Homestead Act
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The few people who accepted free land from the Homestead Act, found it to be rich farmland, but no wood was available for building or heating houses.
少数人获得了土地并变成了富饶的农田。但是没有树木可以用来建筑或者修筑的。 en400

In fact, the town of Beatrice, Nebraska has even enacted a Homestead Act of2010.
事实上,对于内布拉斯加州的碧翠丝小镇来说,甚至已经制定了他们的2010年宅地法。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Great Plains, Pacific Coast, and parts of the Midwest saw many new farms from the Homestead Act and railroad land sales.
美国中部的广大平原地区、太平洋沿岸、中西部的部分地区,由于《宅地法》和铁路用地销售,出现了大量新农场。 yeeyan

The Homestead Act of1862 is no longer in effect, but free land is still available out there in the great wide open often literally in the great wide open.
尽管1862年颁布的宅地法已不在生效,但是免费白给的土地仍在广柔的土地上出现通常是照字面理解的广柔的土地。 blog.sina.com.cn

Homestead Act is one of the most important land acts in American history. It rooted deeply in America's free land tradition.
《宅地农场法》是美国历史上最重要的一项土地法令,它深深植根于美国悠久的免费分配土地的历史传统之中。 cnki




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