

单词 Holy father
释义 Holy father

the head of the Roman Catholic Church 近义词 Pope罗马教皇pontiff罗马教宗Vicar of Christ教皇
They will stone theHoly Fatherhimself, if they can find a good excuse for it.要是他们能够找到一个好借口,他们会把教皇本人也用石头砸死的。
Richter: Access to the Archives is only by written decree by theHoly Father.里希特:“查看档案,只能通过圣父的书面法令才可以。”
We believeHoly Father,God is the only true God Almighty who created the universe and all mankind.我们相信圣父上帝为全能独一的真神;创造宇宙万物及人类的主宰.
TheHoly Fatherconferred a red vestment on me to remind me to defend the Church even to the point of shedding blood.教宗给了我红袍,提醒我为了维护教会该不惜流血。
From early dawn to the last “Holy Father” before retiring, she nibbled at various delicacies.从一大清早到临睡前念最后一声“圣父”以前,她的嘴里不停地嚼着美味佳肴。noun.head of roman catholic church
同义词 confessor,father confessor,pope,spiritual father,spiritual leader On Sunday, the Holy Father launched his fiercest attack on gays, insisting that the World Pride festival in Rome was“an offence to the Christian values” of the city.
上周日,教皇对同性恋者发起了他生平以来最猛烈的攻击,他坚称在罗马举行的“世界骄傲”节是“对基督教价值观的亵渎”。 yeeyan




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