释义 |
Holsten ˈholsən COCA¹⁴⁷⁶⁸⁴BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺⁵ 基本例句 霍尔斯滕¹⁰⁰ North of theHolstenRiver, a Japanese reconnaissance unit guarded the northern flank from Hill 721.豪斯腾河以北,一支日军侦搜部队据守在721高地,警戒北方侧翼。 South of theHolstenRiver eucalyptus trees grew, but north of the river only shrubs or stubby one-meter high pines appeared.豪斯腾河以南生长着桉树注:当地有桉树吗?,但北岸只分布着灌木和矮小的大约1米3又1/3英尺高的松树。 No significant roads existed south of theHolstenalthough numerous tracks and trails crisscrossed the area both north and south of that river.豪斯腾河以南不存在真正意义上的道路,尽管无数的车辙和足迹在这块地区的河流两岸纵横交错。 From the village of Nomonhan Japanese troops descended to the Halha over ground shaped like a basin the center of which was the confluence of the Halha andHolstenRivers.地形从日本所在的诺门坎村下降,直到哈拉哈河,之间的土地形成了一个盆地,中心就是哈拉哈河和豪斯腾河交汇处。 |