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词汇 hollow floor
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The papper introduces the techniques and quality control in the construction of concretehollow floorby casting concrete to the arrayed BDF on the floor formwork.本文论述了用玻璃纤维增强水泥薄壁管排列在楼板模板上,再浇注混凝土形成现浇混凝土空心楼盖板的施工方法和质量控制要点。
This paper introduces the advantages of LPM light material,probes into how to use the LPM light material as filling to construct the cast-in-site reinforced concretehollow floor.介绍了LPM轻质材料的优点,探讨了如何以LPM轻质材料为填料进行现浇混凝土空心楼盖的施工。
This paper mainly introduces the essentials,technical advantages,and economic benefits of the in-situ concretehollow floorconstruction with GRF thin-walled tube.文章主要介绍了GRF薄壁空心管现浇钢筋混凝土空心楼盖施工要点、技术优点及经济效益。
Combinating the advantages of light weight, high bearing and good wholeness of thehollow floor, changed the superposed slab into hollow plates to ease self-respect and raise the latter bearing the weight of the superposed slab.结合现浇空心楼板重量轻,承载力高,且整体性好的优点,将叠合结构现浇部分作成圆孔板,以减轻自重和提高叠合板的最终承载力;
BDF concrete thin wall canister style component is a kind of new CMOS tube, it is valid to solve the technique of making hole without taking out the central parts in the cast-in-placehollow floor.BDF砼薄壁筒体构件是一种比较新型的芯管,它有效解决了现浇空心楼板非抽心成孔技术,被广泛的应用于工业与民用建筑大跨度、大空间、大荷载的现浇空心楼板中。
cast-in-place concretehollow floor现浇混凝土空心楼盖




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