

单词 holidaying
释义 hol·i·day·ing 英'hɒlədeɪ美'hɑːlədeɪ COCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺BNC³⁶⁰⁸³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a time of rest from work

leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure;

we get two weeks of vacation every summer

we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico

a day on which work is suspended by law or custom;

no mail is delivered on federal holidays

it's a good thing that New Year's was a holiday because everyone had a hangover

spend or take a vacation

❌ He will have a seven days' holiday next month.

✔️ He will have a holiday of seven days next month.

✔️ He will have a seven-day holiday next month.

✔️ He will have seven days' holiday next month.

在表示“放多少天假”时只能用a holiday of…days或…days holiday。


❌ She's going on holidays to Hong Kong.

✔️ She's going on holiday to Hong Kong.

holiday用于短语go〔be〕 on holiday时,只用于单数形式。

holiday, day, festival, leave, vacation

这五个词都有“假日”的意思。其区别在于:holiday来源于宗教的节日、假日,是普通用词,多用于英式英语中,指的是一个人在一年中不干工作的那段时间,也可用来表示一两天的短假期; day表示法定节日,多用于专有名词中; festival指民俗或宗教节日,并含有定期欢度的意味; leave指政府工作人员或军人的假期; vacation用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭时间,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。例如:

August and September are the months of the year during which most English people take their holidays.一年中8、9两个月是大多数英国人休假的月份。
We celebrate National Day every year.我们每年都庆祝国庆节。
Christmas is one of the festivals of the Christian church.圣诞节是基督教的节日之一。
The soldiers will go home on leave once every two years.士兵们每两年回家休假一次。
Three vacations occur in the course of the year, viz, two weeks at Christmas, ten days at Easter and the usual two months in summer.一年中有三个假期,即圣诞节两周,复活节十天以及通常的两个月暑假。holiday,leave,vacation





用作名词 n.
动词+~celebrate a holiday庆祝节日enjoy a holiday欢度假日finish one's holiday结束假期,度完假give sb a holiday给某人假give up one's holiday放弃假期go on holiday去度假have a holiday休假,有假期make holiday度假spend a holiday度假take a holiday休假形容词+~double holiday星期日与节日重合的双重假日happy holiday愉快的假期international holiday国际性节日long holiday长时间的假期national holiday国家假日public holiday公休日regular holiday固定假日名词+~bank holiday银行公假日summer holidays暑假the Christmas holiday圣诞节日weekend holiday周末假日winter holidays寒假介词+~during one's holidays在假期中be out for a holiday外出度假on holiday度假
用作名词n.on one's holidays

在休假中,在度假中having a holiday, especially over a period of time

近义词 restbreakfeastleavefestivalvacation反义词 weekday工作日workday工作日
用作名词n.We've been given two days more holiday.我们又多得到两天假日。
The Fourth of July is the national holiday of the US.7月4日是美国国庆节。
His summer holidays was spent with his mother.整个暑假他都和他母亲一起度过。
My holiday plans are fluid.我的度假计划是可以改变的。
I hope your holiday will be beneficial.我希望你的假期会对你有益。
The children were full of excitement at the thought of their coming holiday.想到假期即将来临,孩子们十分激动。
He enjoyed every minute of his holiday.他整个假期都过得很快活。
We had a gay holiday.我们度过了一个快乐的假期。
The pupils have two long holidays every year.学生们每年有两次长假。
She is very brown after her holiday in Greece.在希腊度假后,她皮肤晒黑了。
For the well-to-do a summer holiday out of town is not uncommon.对于富人来说,夏天离城度假并不少见。
We're going to Brighton for our holidays.我们将去布赖顿度假。




用作名词Ourholidayplans are still at an indeterminate stage.我们的假日计划还没有确定。
Did you have a niceholiday?你假期过得愉快吗?
We are going to France to spend ourholidays.我们将去法国度假。
The bestholidayof the year is Chinese New Year.一年中最好的节日就是中国的新年。
What kind of aholidayis Thanksgiving?感恩节是一个什么样的节日?as in.tour
同义词 cruise,explore,swing,travelbarnstorm,globetrot,holiday,hop,jaunt,jet,junket,peregrinate,sightsee,stump,vacation,voyagego on the road,take a tripas in.fete
同义词 celebrate,entertain,feast,festival,holiday,honor,lionize,treathold reception for,make much of,roll out the red carpet,wine and dine Holidaying in Devon, the Lake District or Cornwall means you can expect a call whereas very few bosses would disturb a holiday in New Zealand, the Caribbean or Thailand.
你要是在德文郡、湖区或康沃尔郡旅行的话,你就等着老板打你电话吧。但如果你跑到了新西兰、加勒比海岛或泰国,那么一般来说老板就不会打扰你的假期。 english-world

Alternatively, maybe you met while holidaying in Thailand so why not consider a Thai theme or were proposed to in Paris and decided on a French theme.
或者,也许你见过,而在泰国度假,为什么不考虑一个主题或泰国提出了在巴黎和法国主题决定。 blog.sina.com.cn

France's Foreign Minister Michele Alliot- Marie had already been criticised for using a plane belonging to a Tunisian tycoon while holidaying in that country during the unrest.
法国外交部长米谢勒•阿利奥-马里 Michele Alliot- Marie因乘一名突尼斯大亨的私人飞机在该国动荡不安的局势下前往突尼斯度假而受到批评。 tingclass

I was holidaying there with my family last Easter and spotted this spectacular cloud formation one evening. A30- second exposure was required to do the scene justice.
去年复活节我和我的家人在岛上度假,拍摄了这独特的黄昏时的云彩,整整需要花上30秒的曝光时间,才能让美景完全显影在底片上。 cnnas

Many boomers retire to Las Vegas because they so enjoyed holidaying there. When they first arrive, they are typically“young-old”, healthy and relatively wealthy.
很多移居者在拉斯维加斯退休因为他们是如此的喜爱在那里度假,当他们刚到来的时候,他们是典型的“老当益壮”,健康而相对的富有。 ecocn




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