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词汇 hole
释义 hole 英həʊl美holAHDhōl ★★★★☆常初中高四六研牛4COCA¹³⁹⁸BNC¹⁹³¹iWeb¹³⁰⁹Economist⁴⁰⁰⁷

C洞,孔; 窝

an empty space within sth solid; the home of small animal

C破洞,裂口; 漏洞,破绽

a space or opening going through sth; gap; a fault in reasoning


a position of difficulty


a hollow place in the ground into which the ball must to be hit

vt. & vi. 在…上打洞或穿孔

make a hole or holes in

vt. & vi. 把…打入球穴

hit the ball into a hole

an opening into or through somethingan opening deliberately made in or through somethingone playing period from tee to green on a golf course;

he played 18 holes

an unoccupied spacea depression hollowed out of solid mattera fault;

he shot holes in my argument

informal terms for a difficult situation;

he got into a terrible fix

he made a muddle of his marriage

informal terms for the mouth
hit the ball into the holemake holes in

❌ There is a hole on the wall, we can get through it.

✔️ There is a hole in the wall, we can get through it.

在表示“…上有个洞”时,用a hole in…,这里的介词in不能改用on。

in a hole, in holes, in the hole

这三个短语的意思不尽相同:in a hole的意思是“处于困境”; in holes的意思是“破了”; in the hole的意思是“经济困难,亏空”。例如:

He is rather in a hole.他处境极为困难。
His shoes were in holes.他的鞋子已经破烂不堪。
Jack was 100 dollars in the hole last month.杰克上个月亏损100美元。hole, cave, cavity

这组词都有“洞”“孔”“穴”的意思。其区别在于:hole指任何物体中的开口、穿孔或洞穴; cave指山洞、洞穴或地窖; cavity是科技术语或专门用语,只指坚硬物体上的洞穴,通常表面有开口可见。例如:

The men have dug a hole in the road.那些人在路上挖了一个洞。
The cliff dwellers found that natural caves gave them warmth and protection during the Ice Age.悬岩洞人发现在冰河时代天然的洞穴不仅温暖,还能借以自卫。
The pleural cavity is a body where the lungs are situated.胸膜腔是人体内肺脏所在的地方。hole, den, hollow

这组词都有“孔,洞,穴”的意思。其区别在于:hole可指正常的“洞,洞穴”,也可指不正常的“破洞,裂口”; hollow主要指凹地、洼地或任何物体的“凹陷部分”,如洞、穴、坑等; den特指“兽穴”,也指动物园中的“兽笼”,有时也可指“匪窝”等。例如:

We got into the cellar through a round hole covered by a metalplate.我们从一个有金属盖板的圆洞进入地 下室。
More gravel is needed to fill the hollow in the driveway.在车道的凹地上需要填更多的沙砾。
The policeman happened to find a den of thieves in the suburb of the city.警察在市郊发现了一个贼窝。hole, tear

这两个词都有“洞”的意思,其区别在于:tear多指织物由于磨损所造成的“裂口”,无深度; 而hole所指的洞多指纵深状的,如树洞,山洞等。

同源词:hollow例:a hole in the wall 墙上的洞
用作名词 n.
动词+~block up a hole堵塞漏洞burn a hole烧一个洞cut a hole钻孔,凿洞dig a hole挖个坑drill a hole钻孔,钻洞eat a hole蚀一个洞fill up a hole填平洞find a hole找漏洞,发现漏洞make a hole in在…中凿洞pick a hole in在…中找碴儿,吹毛求疵pick a hole in sb's coat找某人的碴儿stop a hole把孔塞住tear a hole撕个口子wear into holes穿破形容词+~big hole大洞,大坑deep hole深坑,深洞huge hole巨大的洞〔孔〕small hole小洞,小坑名词+~centre hole中心孔介词+~in a hole处于困境,为难fifty dollars in the hole亏空50美元用作动词 v.~+名词hole the ball把球打入洞穴hole the building打穿这建筑物hole the fence posts在栏柱上打洞hole the ship击穿这只船~+副词hole carefully小心地打洞hole noiselessly悄悄地打洞hole professionally熟练地打洞hole out把高尔夫球打入洞中hole up藏匿~+介词hole through打洞穿过
用作名词 holes in

把某物蚀了几个洞 (cause to decay sth into holes)

in a hole

处于困境 in difficulties

like the Black Hole of Calcutta

又挤又热 very crowded and hot

make a hole in

大量消耗 use the largest part of

need like a hole in the head

绝对不需要 not need sth at all

need sth like a hole in the headI need extra work today like a hole in the head.今天我绝对不需要加班。
They've got a billion dollars in it already.But,I must say, we need it like a hole in the head.他们在这件事上已经花费了10亿美元,但是,我必须说,我们根本不需要。pick a hole in

〈非正〉挑毛病,找出破绽 find fault or the weak point (in sth)

square peg in a round hole

不适合于其职位的人 sb who is unsuited to his or her position

hole through v.+prep.

打穿 make a hole through sth

hole sth through sthThey will hole a tunnel through the mountain.他们将穿山打隧道。
hole up v.+adv.

躲藏起来 hide as a means of escape

hole upThis is the cottage where the bandits once holed up.这就是土匪曾经藏过身的房子。
After the bank robbery, the criminals holed up in a disused factory.那些罪犯在抢劫银行之后,躲进一个废弃的工厂里。
Bears hole up for the winter to go by.熊蛰伏在穴中过冬。hole sb/sth ⇔ upThe police think the bank robbers are holed up in Chicago.警方认为抢银行的人藏在芝加哥。
The plan has been holed up.计划已被搁置起来。钱博士hol藏+e→动物的藏身之所→洞穴⇒空洞,孔
小学英语速记联想记忆:把h想象成山,把o看作山上的洞非常记忆ho猴+le乐⇒洞里的猴子很快乐近义词 gapcavecracksplitn. break
用作名词n.I've a hole in my left sock.我左脚袜子上有个洞。
In the steel plate five holes were drilled an inch apart.在这块钢板上钻了五个相距一英寸的孔。
The prisoner escaped through a hole in the wall.那囚犯从墙上的缺口处逃跑了。
They found serious holes in his reasoning.他们在他的推理中找出了严重的破绽。
You've put me in a devil of a hole.你使我的处境很困难。
I'm in a bit of a hole because my mother-in-law is coming for a visit and I've just broken the vase she gave us as a wedding present.我感到很为难,因为我岳母就要来访,而我却刚把她送给我们当作结婚礼物的花瓶打碎了。
The old man spent his last years in a hole of a room.这老汉在阴暗的斗室中度过余生。
What a hole that town is!那个小城真没意思!
The next hole is 100 feet long.下一个球穴在100英尺远的地方。用作动词v.
S+~+AHe wants to hole on the wall.他想在这堵墙上打个洞。
S+~+ n./pron.He was holing the fence posts to take the crosspieces.他在栏柱上打洞以便装上横档。
The golfer holed the ball from a distance of ten feet.这位高尔夫球运动员从十英尺距离处将球打入穴中。
The boat was holed by a large rock.这只船在一块大礁石上撞了一个洞。
The buildings were holed by shells.建筑物被炮弹打穿。
The ship was holed along the waterline by enemy fire.这只船被敌人的炮火沿着吃水线处击穿。Phandhole手孔Parmholen.袖孔Pblow-hole气孔Pearholen.耳孔Peyeholen.眼窝Ploop-hole漏洞Plughole突耳孔Pmanholen.人孔Poilholen.油孔Ppeep-hole窥孔Ppotholen.壶穴Pbungholen.桶孔Pknotholen.节孔Pfoxholen.散兵坑Pphotoholen.光穴Pspyholen.窥视孔Ptouchholen.火门Ppeepholen.窥视孔Ppin-hole针孔销孔Pventholen.通气孔Phawseholen.锚链孔Pspileholen.小气孔Pportholen.舷窗炮门Pwormholen.蛀孔蛀洞Pholeya.有穴的多洞的Pmouseholen.鼠洞壁橱Pwaterholen.水坑水眼Pnailholen.钉眼指甲槽Ppostholen.埋桩用的洞Pswallow-holen.石灰坑Pbolt-holen.换气孔漏洞Pnineholesn.九孔戏困境Ppinholen.针孔小孔蛀洞Ppopholen.二次爆破炮眼Pglory-hole加热孔火焰孔Pman-hole检查井进入孔Psinkholen.阴沟口污水坑Pspy-holen.探视孔窥测孔Pdogholen.狗窝龌龊的房间Pstokeholen.炉膛口锅炉舱Pcoalholen.煤炭投入口煤库Pkneeholen.可容双膝的地方Ptapholen.放液口塞孔出铁口Pthumbholen.供塞入拇指的孔Pwormholeda.多蛀孔的虫蚀的Ppestholen.瘟疫芘生地瘟疫区Ptop-holea.最上等的第一流的Pchuckholen.马路上的坑或凹处Pcubbyholen.舒适的地方文件架Pblowholen.喷水孔通风孔通气孔Pcreepholen.躲藏的洞穴遁辞借口Ploopholen.漏洞空子枪眼小窗换气孔Pbuttonholen.钮孔钮眼胸花vt.强迫听Pkeyholen.键孔栓孔锁眼a.显示内情的Pmudholen.澄泥箱出泥渣孔淤泥清理孔Phellholen.地狱般可怕的地方藏垢纳污之外Pshitholen.极其肮脏的地方令人厌恶的地方Passholen.屁眼儿肛门令人讨厌的人a.愚蠢的窝囊的可恶的Ppigeonholen.鸽棚鸽子出入孔分类架粗略分类鸽棚般的小房间vt.分类归档把…束之高阁


hole的基本意思是指物体中的“开口、穿孔”或“洞穴”。可以是天然的,也可以是人工的; 也可大可小,可深可浅,可穿透也可不穿透。正常的一般译为“洞,洞穴”; 不正常的则是“破洞,裂口,漏洞”。




hole用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构; 用作不及物动词时,多与介词构成短语。


用作名词There is aholein my sock.我的袜子上有个洞。
The dog skins through the smallholein the wall.那条狗勉强钻过小小的墙洞。
He chiseled aholein the door to fit a new lock.他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。
The hunters blocked up theholeof the beast.猎人堵住了兽穴。
He tried hard to pick aholein what I said, but to no avail.他极力想从我的话里找出漏洞, 可是没有得逞。
He was in aholewith his finances.他财政陷入困境。
Having lost my money puts me in rather ahole.丢了钱使我陷于困境。用作动词They willholea tunnel through the mountain.他们将穿山打隧道。
Sheholedout from forty yards.她从四十码远的地方把球打入洞中。noun.opening in a solid object
同义词 break,crack,crater,cut,dent,gap,mouth,pit,pocket,tunnel,void,windowaperture,breach,burrow,cave,cavern,cavity,chamber,chasm,chink,cistern,cleft,cranny,den,depression,dimple,dip,excavation,eyelet,fissure,foramen,fracture,gash,gorge,hollow,hovel,keyhole,lacuna,lair,leak,nest,niche,nick,notch,orifice,outlet,passage,peephole,perforation,pockmark,puncture,rent,retreat,scoop,shaft,shelter,split,tear,vacuity,vent
反义词 mountain,closing,closurenoun.predicament
同义词 box,corner,difficulty,dilemma,emergency,fix,imbroglio,impasse,jam,mess,pickle,plight,quandary,scrape,spot,tangle
反义词 benefit,boon,ease,peace,solutionadvantage,good fortune
abodenoun building or place where one resides
address,apartment,base,casa,co-op,condo,crash pad,crib,den,digs,domicile,dwelling,flat,flop,habitat,haunt,headquarters,hearth,home,homestead,house,joint,lodging,pad,quarters,residence,roost,sanctuary,seat
abyssnoun something very deep, usually a feature of land
asylumnoun refuge
cover,den,harbor,haven,hideaway,hideout,hole,ivory tower,port,preserve,refuge,retreat,safe house,safety,sanctuary,security,shelter
basinnoun container or area where water is held
blanknoun empty space
abyss,cavity,chasm,emptiness,gap,gulf,hiatus,hole,hollow,hollowness,interstice,interval,lacuna,nihility,nothingness,nullity,omission,opening,preterition,pretermission,skip,tabula rasa,vacancy,vacuity,vacuum,void,womb
breachnoun gap
aperture,break,chasm,chip,cleft,crack,discontinuity,fissure,hole,opening,rent,rift,rupture,slit,split The first of these vents was discovered in 1977 on the Galapagos ridge by scientists in the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s submersible, Alvin.
1977年,科学家们乘坐“树洞海洋学会”的阿尔文号潜水艇,在加拉帕戈斯海脊首次发现了这些火山口。 ecocn

“ Go to the other side of the glass and see through the hole”, instructs her guide.
她的解说提示:“走到玻璃板的另一头,从洞里往这边看。 ecocn

And, Wagner suggested, if the hole is caused by something small like a bullet, slap a book or airline magazine over it.
而且,瓦格纳建议,如果洞是由小的物体如子弹造成的,把一本书或者飞机上的杂志拍上去。 yeeyan

As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it.
当他们在硬邦邦的地板上铺床时,年长的天使发现墙上有一个洞,就顺手把它修补好了。 putclub

Drives always drove into the hole, but they never drove out.
司机们总是驶进洞中,而且从他们没有驶出来。 hjenglish

He bounces into a hole.
他跳进了一个洞中。 hjenglish

He escaped from the Warsaw ghetto through a hole in the wall; his father died in the camps.
他通过墙壁上的一个洞从华沙的犹太人区逃走;而其父却被害死在集中营内。 ecocn

He knew he must find his way through that cave, or hole, or tunnel, and out the other side.
他知道他一定要找到那个洞穴,或是洞,或是隧洞,然后再从另一端出去。 ebigear

He looks into another hole.
他查看了另一个洞。 ebigear

He says he saw another shot through the chest by what he believes was an exploding bullet, leaving a huge hole in his back.
他说他看到另一位抗议者被击穿胸口,他认为这是一颗爆炸弹头,在该遇害者的后背炸出一个大洞。 ecocn

In this example, the surface is not simply connected and any smoothed-out object looks like a torus with at least one hole.
在这个例子里,圈饼表面就是非单连通的,并且这类物体的简化就会像是至少有一个洞的曲面。 ecocn

It also has a giant hole at its centre.
并且在它的中心有一个巨大的空洞。 yeeyan

Mary burned a hole in her dress.

People come to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, from around the world to enjoy the best of cowboy and mountain culture.
人们从世界各地来到怀俄明州的杰克逊山洞,欣赏这里最美的牛仔和山区文化。 yeeyan

The chicken pecked a hole in the sack.

The result is an extremely strong field—one that delivers enough pressure when it hits the steel to punch out the material next to it, leaving a hole behind.
结果是产生一个非常强大的磁场——当磁场感应到旁边的钢铁时,它产生足够的压力作用在旁边的这块材料上,打出一个孔。 ecocn

They could not see one another, but they could reach each other through a hole.
他们不能看到彼此,但他们却可以通过一个洞口触摸到对方。 yeeyan

They fired the badger out of the hole.

Try to mend this hole in my shirt.

What a roomy hole you have!
你有多么宽敞的一个洞啊! hjenglish

What is this hole?
这是个什么洞? yeeyan

You pretend that this black hole which you worship exists.
你假装你崇拜的这个黑乎乎的洞是存在的。 yeeyan




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