

单词 holds water
释义 holds water短语⁹⁰⁸⁸⁷⁺
No, the claim to be defending language for the sake of clarity almost never, ever holds water.
拜托,说什么自己是为了维护语言文字明确性,基本上全都经不起推敲。 douban

On January18,2007, mostly company of buy industry peaceful wave holds water formally, begin to have the materiality operation of the project.
2007年1月18日,大都置业宁波公司正式成立,开始进行项目的实质性运营。 iciba

After new China holds water, we built socialistic system, comb-out poverty, progressively and collective rich ability had real hope and solid base.
新中国成立以后,我们建立了社会主义制度,彻底消除贫困,逐步共同富裕才有了真正的希望和坚实的基础。 kekenet

Do you think the story holds water?
你认为这个说法站得住脚吗? hjenglish

Even the comparison between the cheerfully practical pirates and the creative chaos unleashed by the spread of the internet holds water.
实际上,快乐现实的海盗电台与由互联网的普及而释放的创新潮之间的比较,也经得起考验。 ecocn

His argument holds water. It is supported by facts and data.
他的论点言之成理,有事实和数据支持。 wenweipo

I don't think astrology is blind faith. It holds water in many instances.
我认为占星术不是迷信,它很多时候还是站得住脚的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

If his theory holds water, it could be a breakthrough in the related field.
如果他的理论成立的话,将是相关领域的一个突破了。 ebigear

In the Washington area, the C& O Canal still holds water.
在华盛顿地区,切萨皮克—俄亥俄运河仍在储水。 hjenglish

Indeed, the showbiz adage that you should never work with children and animals holds water.
说真的,娱乐圈里那句不要和孩子或动物演戏的金言太正确了。 ecocn

Neither proposition holds water unless one understands his precarious position in the Labour party.
除非人们了解他当时在工党的地位不稳,否则上述两种说法都站不住脚。 ejinqiao

Such a time space system will ensure invariable Lagrangien density. The relativity principle hence holds water.
这样的时空系统可以保证拉格朗日密度不变,相对性原理成立。 cnki

The concept of the bladder as inert container of urine no longer holds water.
将膀胱视作尿液的惰性容器这一概念是站不住脚的。 www.sciencetimes.com.cn

The theory holds water. We need to consider it seriously.
这个理论很充分。我们必须慎重考虑。 wenweipo

Therefore, the conclusion that Capital is a classic of aesthetics holds water.
因此,说《资本论》是一部美学经典,是完全可以成立的。 blog.sina.com.cn

This report really holds water.
这份报告真的是滴水不漏。 iciba

This holds water in the case of the classifier's choice of the numeral in terms of semantics.
物量词对数词的语义选择也体现了这一点。 cnki




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