

单词 holding together
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Honor and disgrace concept of socialism emphasizes holding together and helping mutually, which is consistent with the topic of patriotic unity routine of war.
社会主义荣辱观强调团结互助,与爱国统一战线的主题相同; www.fjssy.org.cn

Each higher level has a clear and demonstrable function of holding together the level beneath it.
每一个层次都有一个明确的和明显的功能。 dltcedu

If you looked closer, lots of things were damaged or hardly holding together.
但是近看的话,很多东西都已经损坏,或者近乎散架了。 taskcn

Many also admire her for holding together a family that includes a philandering husband.
也有很多人是出于对她面对着绯闻丈夫仍然可以做到维系家庭和睦的深切赞赏。 ecocn

Tsvangirai has proved doubters wrong simply by still being here and holding together the fragile compromise.
茨万吉拉伊已经向怀疑论者证明他们是错误的,他仍旧呆在自己的位置维系着这个脆弱的和解。 yeeyan

Two share the joys and sorrows of lover, or two old holding together on the chair.
凉椅上坐着的或是两个同甘共苦的恋人,或是相依相偎的迟暮老人。 blog.sina.com.cn

Yes, I agree with you. Only by holding together, the puny can defeat the strong.
是呀,只要团结起来,弱小的也能打败强大的。 gd




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