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词汇 hold fast
释义 hold fast.

stick to firmly;

Will this wallpaper adhere to the wall?

近义词 bond债券bind捆绑stick手杖adhere遵守stick to坚持
as in.adhere
同义词 attach,fasten,unitecement,cleave,cohere,fix,glue,pastecling like ivy,freeze to,hold on like bulldog,stay put,stick like a barnacle,stick like glue
反义词 detach,disconnect,separate,unfasten,divide,unfixdisjoin,loose,loosen,not conformas in.cling
同义词 adhere,clasp,fastencherish,clutch,cohere,continue,embrace,endure,grasp,grip,hug,last,linger,squeeze,stickbe true to,cleave to,freeze to,hang in,hang onto,stay put,stick like glue
反义词 loose,loosen,unfasten,discontinue,halt,let go,release,stopdetachas in.follow
同义词 adhere to,adopt,attend,keep,observe,reflect,serve,support,watchaccord,comply,conform,copy,cultivate,emulate,harmonize,heed,imitate,match,mimic,mind,mirror,note,obey,regardabide by,be consistent with,be devoted to,be guided by,be in keeping,be interested in,do like,follow suit,give allegiance to,keep abreast of,keep an eye on,live up to,model on,pattern oneself upon,string along,take after,take as an example
反义词 disregard,ignore,let go,neglect,overlook,refuse,reject,release,be original,clash,deny,differ,disagree,disobey,fight,opposeavoid,go before,lead,misunderstand,not get,pass over,precede,scorn,shun,slightas in.hang on
同义词 cling,go on,grasp,hold on,hold out,persevere,persistbe tough,carry on,clutch,grip,remain
反义词 cease,give up,leave,let go,quit,stopas in.hold one's ground
同义词 not budge,persevere,persist,stand one's ground,stay patas in.obey
同义词 accept,adhere to,carry out,comply,embrace,execute,heed,live by,observe,surrenderaccede,accord,acquiesce,agree,answer,assent,concur,discharge,follow,fulfill,keep,mind,perform,respond,serve,submitabide by,act upon,be loyal to,be ruled by,bow to,do as one says,do one's bidding,do one's duty,do what is expected,do what one is told,get in line,give way,knuckle under,play second fiddle,take orders,toe the line
反义词 decline,deny,disregard,forget,ignore,leave,miss,neglect,overlook,refuse,reject,argue,ask,differ,disagree,disallow,disapprove,disobey,dispute,dissent,fail,object,oppose,protest,questionmutiny,rebelas in.persevere
同义词 endure,hold on,keep going,persist,press on,proceed,pursue,stand firmcontinue,maintain,remainbe determined,be resolved,be stubborn,carry on,go for broke,go for it,go on,hang in,hang tough,keep driving,keep on,leave no stone unturned,plug away,see it through,stay the course,stick with it
反义词 cease,discontinue,give up,stopbe lazy,idle,leave,quitas
同义词 affix,bind,clasp,fasten,fixclose,immobilize,join,pinion,press,restrain,securehold down
反义词 detach,let go,loose,loosen,release,unfasten,disjoinunlatch,unpinas in.retain
同义词 absorb,cling to,contain,enjoy,have,hold,keep,maintain,own,possess,preserve,recognizeclutch,detain,grasp,husband,memorize,mind,recall,recollect,remember,reminisce,reserve,restrain,retrospect,save,withholdbear in mind,hand onto,keep in mind,keep possession,put away
反义词 abandon,desert,disperse,dispossess,exclude,ignore,lack,let go,lose,miss,misunderstand,need,neglect,not have,release,want,disregard,forget,free,liberate,wastefire,pass up,spendas in.seize
同义词 catch,snatchappropriate,clasp,clench,clinch,clutch,compass,embrace,enclose,enfold,fasten,grapple,grasp,grip,pinch,pluck,snag,squeezecatch hold of,lay hands on,lay hold of,take hold of
反义词 free,give,let go,loose,loosen,reject,release,unfastenliberate,offeras in.stick
同义词 attach,catch,fix,glue,hold,linger,paste,remain,staybind,bond,braze,cement,clasp,cleave,cling,clog,cohere,fasten,fuse,hug,jam,join,lodge,persist,snag,solder,unite,weldbe bogged down,become embedded,become immobilized,cling like ivy,freeze to,hold on,stay put,stick like barnacle,stick together
反义词 go,halt,leave,let go,release,detach,disconnect,loose,loosen,open,separate,unfastenremove,unfix,unstick
adhereverb stick or become stuck to, either physically or mentally
attach,cement,cleave,cling like ivy,cohere,fasten,fix,freeze to,glue,hold on like bulldog,paste,stay put,stick like a barnacle,stick like glue,unite
adheresverb stick or become stuck to, either physically or mentally
abides by,be attaches,be devotes,be devotes to,cleaves to,complies,follows,fulfills,heeds,is constant,is faithful,is loyal,is true,keeps,maintains,minds,obeys,observes,practices,respects,stands by,supports
clingverb attach to
adhere,be true to,cherish,clasp,cleave to,clutch,cohere,continue,embrace,endure,fasten,freeze to,grasp,grip,hang in,hang onto,hold fast,hug,last,linger,squeeze,stay put,stick,stick like glue
followverb act in accordance with
abide by,accord,adhere to,adopt,attend,be consistent with,be devoted to,be guided by,be in keeping,be interested in,comply,conform,copy,cultivate,do like,emulate,follow suit,give allegiance to,harmonize,heed,hold fast,imitate,keep,keep abreast of,keep an eye on,live up to,match,mimic,mind,mirror,model on,note,obey,observe,pattern oneself upon,reflect,regard,serve,string along,support,take after,take as an example,watch
followsverb act in accordance with
abides by,accords,adheres to,adopts,attends,be devotes to,be guides by,complies,conforms,copies,cultivates,does like,emulates,follows suit,gives allegiance to,harmonizes,heeds,holds fast,imitates,is consistent with,is in keeps,is interested in,keeps,keeps abreast of,keeps an eye on,lives up to,matches,mimics,minds,mirrors,model on,notes,obeys,observes,pattern oneself upon,reflects,regards,serves,string along,supports,takes after,takes as an example,watches
hang onverb continue, endure
be tough,carry on,cling,clutch,go on,grasp,grip,hold fast,hold on,hold out,persevere,persist,remain But when we hold fast to a grudge it eats away at our sense of peace and serenity.

Fear the LORD your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name.
你要敬畏耶和华你的神,事奉他,专靠他,也要指着他的名起誓。 ebigear

If you hold fast to your nonviolent program, your opponent will gain respect for you.

Never think the God's delay is the God's denies. Hold on, hold fast, hold out. Patience is genius.

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
验证每样事,好的就坚持。 kekenet

Surely we ought to hold fast to life, for it is wondrous, and full of a beauty that breaks though every pore of God's own earth.

These10 years have shown that we hold fast to our freedoms.

You shall fear the LORD your God. You shall serve him and hold fast to him, and by his name you shall swear.

Hold fast to your dream.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
紧紧抓住梦想,因为一旦梦想消亡,生活就象折断翅膀的小鸟,无法飞翔。 yeeyan

Hold fast to dreams, if dreams die, life is a broken- winged bird, that can never fly.
紧紧抓住梦想,梦想若是消亡,生命就象鸟儿折了翅膀,再也不能飞翔。 i9494

Hold fast to dreams. They will come true one day!

Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken- winged bird That cannot fly.

Hold fast to life— but never too fast that you cannot let go.

Hold fast to life but not so fast that you cannot let go.

Hold fast to dreams for if dream die, life is a broken- winged bird that cannot fly.




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