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词汇 Hohenstaufen
释义 Hohenstaufen
The names given to Waffen-SS units reflected this idea: Germania, Charlemagne andHohenstaufen.武装党卫队单位的名字就能反映出这一点:日尔曼尼亚、查理曼和霍亨斯陶芬。
Led by 20 Panzer IVs, theHohenstaufenadvanced in the face of heavy American anti-tank fire.以20辆IV型坦克为先导,“霍亨斯陶芬”师开始攻击美军凶猛的反坦克火力。
TheHohenstaufenwas given the objective of Cheux, at the heart of the Scottish Corridor.“霍亨斯陶芬”师的任务是夺取苏格兰走廊中央的舒克斯。
Willi Bittrich's other division, theHohenstaufen, was on the north bank of the Odon, linking his corps to the army panzer units to the west.比特利希的另一个师,“霍亨斯陶芬”师,在欧东河的北岸,军部的装甲单位位于西面。
An American breakthrough against the northern shoulder of the German front forced the withdrawal of theHohenstaufenfrom Bastogne on 6 January.1月6日美军在德军北部取得了突破,这迫使“霍亨斯陶芬”师被迫从巴斯托涅撤回。
He was heavily involved in raising theHohenstaufenand Frundsberg Divisions, and again replaced Hausser as commander of II SS Panzer Corps in 1944.他又为组建“霍亨斯陶芬”师和“弗伦斯贝格”师做出了大量的工作,1944年他又从豪塞尔手中接过了党卫队第2装甲军的指挥权。




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