

单词 hockenheim
释义 hockenheim
n.霍肯海姆在德国;东经 8º34' 北纬 49º19'
It's true that we had some problems at the beginning of the season to set up the car as I wanted, but we never had problems like we had at Hockenheim.
诚如我所想,赛车从赛季开始就的确遇到了一些调教上的问题,但我们从没有遇到过像霍根海姆那样的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

Last weekend in Hockenheim was the most difficult weekend of the year.
上周末在霍根海姆的比赛是全年最艰难的。 blog.sina.com.cn

The race at Hockenheim was the most difficult moment of the season.
在霍根海姆的比赛是这个赛季最困难的时候。 ferrari-china.com

This was the first time I have tested at Hockenheim and obviously it is extremely beneficial to be able to test at a track the week prior to actually racing there.
我在赛道上第一天试车,经历了非常恶劣的天气,晴天、雨和大风短暂影响了试车。 www.barrichello.com.cn

As at Hockenheim in2000, when a track invasion also disrupted the race, Barrichello kept his head and took a memorable win.
就像2000年在霍根海姆一样,当时也是有人进入赛道也造成了比赛的混乱,巴里切罗保住了他的头名并且获得了一场值得纪念的胜利。 f1-zone

Compared to Hockenheim, where the car was well balanced, here we are suffering with a bit too much understeer, but all the same it feels pretty good.
对比霍根海姆,赛车在那里拥有很好的平衡,我们在这里遭遇了太多的转向不足问题,但总体来说感觉也不错。 f1-zone

Excluding Hockenheim I was always in a position to win and I hope success will come soon.
除了霍根海姆,我一直有赢的机会,我希望胜利会很快到来。 ferrari-china.com

Ferrari had failed to score in the previous race in Britain and Massa had a run of three races without a point behind him before Hockenheim.
法拉利在之前的英国大奖赛并未能获得积分,马萨在霍根海姆站之前已经三站比赛一分未得。 f1-zone.net

He continued the evaluation of the new mechanical and aero parts but also took part in a10- minute race start session from the Hockenheim grid.
他继续评估新机械系统和空气动力学套件,还在霍根海姆赛道发车区,做了10分钟的发车练习。 www.barrichello.com.cn

I will do my best to assist the team in scoring some points. My total concentration is now on the forthcoming race weekend, and I have a clear preparation plan prior to Hockenheim.
我现在把精力集中在即将到来的比赛,而且我有一个拿到好成绩的很清晰的计划。 chinaf1

I felt my car was very strong there and the whole package was very much together and at Hockenheim I was never able to get the same feeling.
我感觉到我的赛车在那里非常强大而所有的套件也非常棒,但是霍格海姆赛道我就没有找到相同的感觉。 ferrari-china.com

I hope it will be hot, as it usually is at Hockenheim.
我希望霍根海姆的天气能像往常一样,热一点。 f1-zone.net

I will drive at Hockenheim the first time for Ferrari.
这是我第一次代表法拉利来到霍根海姆。 f1-zone.net

I've also driven to Spa, and Hockenheim is also pretty close.
我一直都是开车去斯帕的,而且离霍根海姆也很近。 mclarenfans

It's completely different problems we had in Hockenheim, so it's not related to this.
这与在霍根海姆时我们的问题完全不同,所以它们不能相提并论。 ferrari-china.com

Since then, qualifying has been better apart from Hockenheim where I made a mistake myself.
自那时起,排位已经有所改善,除了霍根海姆因为我在那犯了一个错误。 ferrari-china.com

They have nearly always been fastest, apart maybe from Bahrain and then Hockenheim.
他们几乎都是最快的,除了巴林和接下来的霍根海姆。 f1-zone.net

We were aware before the event that tyre management at Hockenheim could be particularly difficult.
这件事之前,我们注意到轮胎管理在霍根海姆特别困难。 blog.sina.com.cn

We have another big upgrade for Hockenheim and okay, we have had a tough day today but it depends on the programme and what people are doing.
我们在霍根海姆会有一次重要的升级,是的,我们今天很紧张,不过这要看我们测试的是什么项目。 blogbus

What happened at Hockenheim must have rung bells with you.
祸根海姆的事一定让你回想起什么。 www.barrichello.com.cn

With Hockenheim alternating Germany's annual race with the Nurburgring, it is now possible that the country will not appear on the2010 F1 calendar.
与霍根海姆轮流德国的年度比赛的是纽博格林,现在德国将有可能不会出现在2010年 F1赛历上。 ferrari-china.com

You need good grip to drive good lap times at Hockenheim, but the rear went all over the place for the whole race.
在霍根海姆你想要好的圈速就要有好的抓地力,但赛车的尾部在整场比赛中都晃来晃去。 blog.sina.com.cn

Hockenheim aside, I have been in a good position to win races and that will happen soon again.
霍根海姆已经过去,我现在重新拥有赢得比赛的条件,胜利很快就会再次到来。 blog.sina.com.cn




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