

单词 hoard
释义 hoard 英hɔːd, həʊrd美hɔrd, hordAHDhôrd, hōrd ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八TCOCA²²¹²⁵BNC²⁴³⁴⁹iWeb¹⁵³²²Economist⁹⁸³²


carefully collected and guarded store of money,food or other treasured objects

vt. & vi. 积蓄并储藏某物

collect sth in quantity and store it away

a secret store of valuables or money
save up as for future useget or gather together;

I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife

She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis

She rolled up a small fortune

hoard, conserve, maintain, preserve, save, stockpile, store


1.store指在一个特殊的地方贮藏大量的东西,所堆存的量可以很大,也可以较小; save意为“保存,挽救,节约”,表示特别急需、紧迫,一旦失去就难以用其他东西代替的物品,或者特指紧急挽救某人或某物使其脱离损害、危险或死亡,也可表示贮藏、节约以防他日之需,这时save往往指点滴积累而非一日之功; maintain意为“维持,保持”,着重指在数量上的节约使用并不断补充,意味着只需按惯例去做,便可维持现状,而不必担心枯竭。多用于指小心维护机器设备、房屋,甚至精心饲养家禽等,进行规律性地保养维修以保持良好的状态,也用于抽象事物,如维持健康或友谊等; preserve意为“保护,维护”,是较正式的用语,强调使用某种特殊方法将一珍贵事物妥善保存使其不受丝毫损伤,甚至完整如初; conserve意为“保存,保藏”,指对所拥有的某种珍贵物品、某种资源或有实用价值的东西合理而科学的使用,不浪费,并暗示一旦用完,将难以找到别的东西来代替它; hoard意为“贮存,囤积”,指对贵重物品或粮食等令人不愉快的囤积,如出于恐惧、贪婪或精神失常等; stockpile意为“大量贮存”,一般指贮藏原料或必需品供将来之用。

2.store是普通用语; 其他的几个词是正式用语。例如:

He saved his strength for the end of the race.他保存体力准备在赛跑的最后关头进行冲刺。
I hope you will maintain your recent improvement.我希望你能保持最近取得的进步。
The ancient Egyptians knew ways to preserve dead bodies.古埃及人懂得保存尸体的方法。
Conserve your energy—you'll need it!保存你的精力——你会用得着的!
After the war, they were shot for hoarding food.战后他们因囤积食品而被枪决。来自古英语hord,宝藏,藏宝处,来自PIE*skeu,覆盖,隐藏,词源同hide,house.引申词义贮藏,囤积。hoard of money积蓄means of hoard贮藏手段propensity to hoard储藏倾向
GRE红宝书把东西hoard到boardn 木板后边.
hold 保存或 hide + board 保存在,藏在板子下面
和board木板一起记 ,把东西藏在木板后 hoard something behind the board
和board木板一起记,把东西藏在木板后hoard sth. behind the board和board木板一起记,把东西藏在木板后hoard sth.behind the boardGRE难词记忆hoard 音“好的”→把好的贮藏起来,坏的扔掉近义词 save救pile堆heap堆keep保持mass大量store商店amass积聚stock存货stash隐藏gather聚集supply供应collect收集cache隐藏所reserve保留compile编译pile up堆积squirrel松鼠provision食品put aside储存hide away包庇accumulate积累collection收集stockpile贮藏堆roll up袅袅上升squirrel away贮存lay away把 … 留待后用积…
用作名词(n.They dug up a hoard of Roman coins.他们挖出了一批埋藏的古罗马硬币。用作动词v.
S+~+AThere would be enough food on a daily basis if people were nothoarding.如果人们不把食物储藏起来,按天算会有足够的食物供应。
S+ ~+n./pron.Because people expected prices to rise rapidly, they started to hoard goods.由于人们预计价格会迅速上升,他们开始储藏商品。Pword-hoardn.词汇表Pdishoarding囤积出笼Phoardern.囤积者贮藏者Phoardingn.贮藏积蓄囤积临时围墙

用作名词The squirrel kept hishoardin a tree.这只松鼠把吃的东西藏在树里。
His final card remains on my bulletinhoardtoday.父亲最后给我的那张卡片至今仍留在我的记事板上。
They dug up ahoardof Roman coins.他们挖出了一批埋藏的古罗马硬币。用作动词A large number of animalshoardplant seeds.许多动物有贮藏植物种子的行为。
Money is not something tohoard.金钱不是用来贮藏得东西。
We shouldhoardmore winter vegetables like cabbages.像白菜这种冬令蔬菜还是要多储存一些。
Not surprisingly, some governments choose tohoardaid rather than spend it.一些政府选择将援助储存起来而不是花销出去也就毫不奇怪了。noun.stockpile
同义词 accumulation,backlog,cache,nest egg,troveabundance,agglomeration,aggregation,collection,conglomeration,cumulation,fund,garner,heap,inventory,mass,pile,reserve,reservoir,riches,stock,store,supply,treasure,wealthamassment,treasure trove
反义词 debt,lack,need,povertyverb.put away, accumulate
同义词 amass,buy up,stash,stockpileacquire,cache,collect,deposit,garner,gather,hide,keep,save,scrimp,squirrel,store,treasurelay away,lay up,pile up,put aside for rainy day,put by,sock away,stow away
反义词 disperse,distribute,divide,give,scatter,separate,spread,squander,wasteexpend,spend,throw away
accumulateverb gather or amass something
accrue,acquire,add to,agglomerate,aggregate,amalgamate,assemble,bring together,cache,clean up,collect,collocate,compile,concentrate,cumulate,draw together,expand,gain,gather,grow,heap,heap together,incorporate,increase,load up,lump,make a bundle,make a killing,mass,pile,pile up,procure,profit,rack up,roll up,round up,scare up,stack up,stockpile,store,store up,swell,unite
accumulatesverb gather or amass something
accrues,acquires,adds to,agglomerates,aggregates,amalgamates,assembles,brings together,caches,clean up,collects,collocates,compiles,concentrates,cumulates,draws together,expands,gains,gathers,grows,heap together,heaps,hoards,incorporates,increases,loads up,lumps,makes a bundle,makes a killing,masses,piles,piles up,procures,profits,racks up,rolls up,rounds up,scares up,stacks up,stockpiles,stores,stores up,swells,unites
amassverb gather, accumulate
aggregate,assemble,clean up,collect,compile,corral,garner,heap,hoard,lay up,make a killing,make a pile,pile,round up,scare up,stockpile,store
amassesverb gather, accumulate
aggregates,assembles,clean up,collects,compiles,corrals,garners,heaps,hoards,lies up,makes a killing,makes a pile,piles,rounds up,scares up,stockpiles,stores
backlognoun uncompleted work;accumulation
banknoun financial institution
coffer,countinghouse,credit union,depository,exchequer,fund,hoard,investment firm,repository,reserve,reservoir,safe,savings,stock,stockpile,store,storehouse,thrift,treasury,trust company,vault A punitive stance increases the stigma of being short of liquidity and encourages banks to hoard cash, making the crisis worse.
惩罚性措施会增加短缺流动资金的耻辱,鼓励银行囤积现金,使得危机更加恶化。 ecocn

The desire to avoid loans being called in is helping to drive companies to slash dividends and hoard cash.
为了避免贷款被收回,各企业不得不减少股利发放以及囤积现金。 ecocn

The situation was aggravated when top producers such as Russia and Ukraine imposed export restrictions, prompting importers in the Middle East and North Africa to hoard supplies.
而俄罗斯和乌克兰等最大的粮食生产国采取出口限制措施又促使中东北非的进口国囤积粮食。 www.rfp.org.cn

Because the supply is limited, these land kings usually hoard real estate and attempt to corner markets, expecting their holdings to grow further in value.
因为供应有限,这些地王经常囤积土地试图垄断市场,希望他们手中的所持土地的价值快速增长。 yeeyan

Businesses do not even need to draw on their cash hoard to lift the economy.
企业甚至不需要花费囤积的现金就能振兴经济。 ecocn

Central banks on both sides of the Atlantic are coordinating campaigns to flush cash through the global economy, lest frightened lenders hoard capital and suffocate growth.
大西洋两岸的央行正在协调行动为全球经济注入资金,以免惊恐的贷款人囤积资本,窒息经济增长。 yeeyan

For Shell, Exxon et al to hoard oil underground would be to leave billions of dollars of investment languishing unused.
对于壳牌,埃克森等石油公司囤积石油在地下无异于将数亿计的美元投资放置不用。 ecocn

Its“ gold reserve” is now definitely a hoard, something to be saved for the last emergency, the only reality in a barbaric chaos.
此时,这个国家的“黄金储备”无疑成为囤积——用于最后的紧急状态,成为混乱战争中的唯一靠得住的东西。 fortunechina

Keynes’s scheme would also require creditors not to hoard their trade surpluses.
凯恩斯的方案同时要求债权国不囤积贸易剩余。 ecocn

Money markets are still under stress, as banks and others hoard cash and super- safe short-term Treasurys.
货币市场仍面临着压力,因为银行等金融机构囤积现金和超安全的短期国债。 ecocn

Our culture views time as a thing to hoard and protect.
我们的文化把时间看做可囤积、保护之物。 ebigear

Poor people in one of the world's poorest countries, they had been trying to hoard as much as they could for the coming winter.
为即将来临的冬天,生活在这个世界上最贫瘠的国家的那些穷人们,不得不设法尽可能多地囤积物料。 yeeyan

The more prices rise, the greater the incentive to hoard, which creates an upward price spiral.
价格涨得越高,对囤积粮食的刺激越大,而这会使价格螺旋上升。 yeeyan

The reason or reasons why people hoard are in dispute.
对人们为什么囤积的原因还有争议。 yeeyan

This encouraged people to hoard money during periods of financial stress.
这就鼓励大家在面对经济压力的时候囤积现金。 yeeyan

This leads people to hoard out of fear, and is evident in the person who is not willing to take appropriate risks when investing, or keeps everything in cash.
这会导致人们恐慌性囤积,最明显的表现是,有些人在投资时不愿意承担适当的风险,或者喜欢保有现金。 fortunechina

We don't hoard our information; we make the original documents available with our news stories.
我们不囤积信息;我们让原创的文件和新闻故事变得可用。 yeeyan




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