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Hn. 基本英英近义反义例句 🌏氢化丁腈胶圈
Noun: a colorless explosive liquid that is volatile and poisonous and foul-smelling近义词 hydrazoic acid叠氮酸hydrogen azide叠氮化氢azoimide三氮化氢叠氮酸… He says that in this preclinical testing period, it is still too soon to know how HN would perform in humans, but he believes the naturally occurring peptide's ability to preserve cells is promising. 他说,在这临床前的试验阶断,对认识 HN如何用于人还为时尚早,但他相信自然肽在保护细胞方面是非常有前景的。 dxy ScienceDaily Apr.23,2009 — Recent studies have shown that the mitochondrial peptide Humanin HN protects against neuronal cell death such as happens in Alzheimer's disease. 每日科学2009年4月23日——最近研究显示线料体人体肽 HN对像发生在阿耳茨海默氏病中的神经细胞死亡有保护抵抗作用。 dxy |